Planning A Sweet Escape

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Arthur wakes up a little later than he usually does. Might've felt a little too comfortable in the new environment or it's his sickness getting to him. He gets up and fixes himself before heading downstairs to leave.

He was about to exit the door when Jessica calls to him.

"Arthur, c'mon, have some breakfast before you leave." She says as she sets the table for all the people in the house to serve themselves.

Arthur hesitates but the family has been so kind to him so he didn't want to be rude. His huge figure approaches Jessica and she smiles and hands him a plate and utensils. He waits for his turn and observed everyone around him, they all looked like people in his own gang, just a roof on top of their heads. He takes food and he gets seated on the couch around the whole group of people, and the Golds.

As Arthur sat with them, one man asks him, "So, what do you do for a livin', friend?"

He sits up and hesitates to answer the question and looks to Jessica and Abraham. The older man smiled.

"It's fine, Mr. Morgan... In this house, we're all human, good and bad." He says.

The Jessica speaks beside him, "Yeah, Thomas there, the one sitting next to you? He sells drugs, mostly, morphine and opium, a little bit of cannabis here and there if he finds some." She then points to two beautifully dressed women, "Those two, we call 'em the Nutty Sisters... because they lure men in a hotel room, get them drunk, chop their balls off then steals their money."

Arthur widened his eyes at them in fear, then slowly looks away back to Jessica.

She laughs, "I wish I wasn't joking. Anyway..." she then points to another man, "Gerald, a former Lemoyne Raider."

"Hey, I was only a Raider for a few months before my uncle died in Shady Belle." He butts in.

"Sorry about that." Arthur says.

"That's alright friend, he was an asshole, forced me into the group, he did."

"Anyway, Gerald here buys dynamite and explosives from the Golds, then sells it around the country." She turns back to Arthur, "There's more who hasn't come home yet. Our point is, we don't judge, as long as respect is always here..."

Abraham shifts, "Yeah, and we call it 'Hiding in plain sight'."

Arthur laughs, "Well, ya'll are doing it a lot better than we do..." he sighs, "Well, I ride with a gang, all of us have done crime, one way or another. Right now, we're running away from the Pinkertons... One of us got us into trouble in Blackwater."

"The Blackwater Massacre?" Gerald asks.

"Well, I don't like to call it that. Me and a mentor of mine was at the other side of town when we heard gunshots near the waters... we had to run, and saw our gang fighting for their lives... I knew, I killed a few innocent people at that time but... I was just trying to get by..."

Everyone who listened in felt for Arthur. Jessica feels the sincere guilt in his voice, but what's done is done...

"Well, just know... If you need any help, the Golds are here..." Miriam says.

Arthur nods and stands up, "Well, I should get going... Jes and I should be meeting someone at Doyle's Tavern, aye Jessica?" he says as both of them head for the door.

"She actually came by yesterday and said we'd plan it out today... You we can meet up tomorrow." She says.

"Why can't I join ya'll today?" he asks.

"She didn't want anyone intruding in her plan."

Arthur stares at her then nods awkwardly. They them exit the house after waving at the members for their departure, the both mount their horses. Arthur heads back to camp while Jessica heads to Doyle's Tavern.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now