Angelo Bronte, A Man Of Honor

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The four men ride to Saint Denis, while they're at it, Dutch asked a few questions.

"What else do you know about this guy?"

"Jessica says that he's just an Italian bastard who runs the city. People either fear him or hate him, no in between."

"That so? Anyway, how is Jessica?" Dutch asks.

"She's fine, wanted to stay at her place for now."


They ride a little more then, Arthur speaks.

"Listen if we go in there, start shooting up in place, boys gonna get shot that I guarantee better like this you're gonna have a lot of protection." Arthur reminds them.

"Ain't no one gonna get shot Arthur so everyone just relax, we'll charm him. Trust me." Dutch counters the idea.

They ride into Saint Denis and Jesse lead the group to the house of Angelo Bronte.

"This the place?" Dutch asks again.


They hitch their horses opposite the house and they dismount. They continue to walk towards the big house and Dutch turns to John.

"You okay, John?" he asks.

"Yeah, you've been quiet." Jesse comments.

"I guess." John unsurely answers.

They all walk to the gate with Dutch being in front.

"Excuse me sir? We have an appointment to see Mr. Bronte." Dutch starts as a guard approaches him.

"Who are you?" the guard asks with his Italian accent well heard in his voice.

The rest of the group starts to raise their arms to show surrender. But Dutch suddenly, harshly pulled the guard to the gate and took his gun.

"You get your boss down here now so we can talk about this like gentlemen." He said, his voice laced with anger and darkness. The he pulls the guard to stand up "Run along now, boy." He says then gives back the gun.

The guard then frantically enters the big house to let Angelo Bronte know that he has visitors. On the hand, John comments about the 'The Special Dutch Charm' he says and Dutch tells him to relax.

Moments later, another guard exits the house to let the four gunslingers in. They enter the gates with their hands raised and Dutch tells the men that they come in peace.

"We just need to straighten a couple of things out with your boss." The leader said as they all enter the house itself.

They enter the living room and finally see the big Italian bastard everyone was scared of seated on his throne reading a book.

(Italicized = Italian)

"Who are these clowns?" Bronte asks his guard behind him.

Jesse understood every word. Maybe forcing him to learn his mother's language wasn't bad after all.

"They've for the boy we took." His guard answers.

"They know why we're here." Jesse whispers to John.

Then Dutch spoke.

"Why did you take his son?" Dutch asks as he pointed to John.

Bronte sat up, "Excuse me?"

Jesse was starting to get impatient with this man.

"I said, why did you take his son?" Dutch repeats to the European, which was left speechless, so Dutch spoke again, "We don't have a problem with you, sir. Nor you with us. But if you wanna start one, there's gonna be a lot of folks dead in this room. Before it's done." Dutch threatens.

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