The Course Of True Love

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It had been a few days since that Cornwall business. Arthur has been around town doing errands for Dutch, he's been looking for leads about the rumoured gold from both families. Jesse has been quite worried about that, since Jessica's involved with the Braithwates, but according to the letters, she and her cousin we're not involved. She even mentioned that she met Arthur the day before. Said that he had a letter and a gift for Penelope, quite sad that she didn't get anything from Jesse but Arthur assured her that Jesse had no idea that he was doing. Even Arthur claimed that he doesn't even know what was going on half the time Beau asked him to do these errands.

And now, Jesse had been staying in camp for a while. Chopping wood, helping the women, getting water, feeding the horses. As he made his way back to retrieve the last hay stack, Sean stopped him in his tracks.

"Hey Jesse." He called.

"Yes? What you want?" Jesse asked him as he walked over to him, noticing a map he's scanning over.

"I just found us a lead." Sean said, getting Jesse's attention.

"Okay, let me hear about it." Jesse said.

"I was riding around, couple of days back... And I come across this old cabin... Couple of fuckers lazing about outside... All liquored up. I didn't think nothing if it." He starts, Jesse had to lean on the barrel in front of him because he knew this kid will not get to the point any quicker, "But then I come across this hunter down by the river... And he tells me they're a stick up crew. Says they hit a train a couple of days back near Emerald Ranch. Nice feller he was... Shared a bottle we did... Then I robbed the bastard blind." He joked at the last statement he did.

"And you, believed this man?" Jesse asked him as he looked up.

"No reason not to. If he's right it'll be a big haul for us. I saw three of them, maybe more... But I reckon you and me... We could take them real easy." Sean said, finally convincing Jesse.

"Okay... We got nothin' to lose. Let's check it out then." He said as he pat Sean's shoulder to got to their horses and mount up.

"Them sons of bitches think they're mean." Sean laughed "They're about to get a lesson in mean."

"Now, you just keep your cool Sean." Jesse warned him.

"Oh I'll do that, but will you?" Sean said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jesse asked as they both mount up their horses.

"They say the kindest ones get angry the scariest, and you're the only proof we need. Especially with that night with Wolf face." Sean said... Stopping Jesse, causing him to think 'I need to work on that.' but shook his head and thought that he hasn't lost his cool in a while, except for that time with John.

They ride out of camp and headed north to the location. They had a conversation about where it is and why Sean was there in which Sean explained that he was just looking for a take and explains that Dutch wants them to do these things for money anyway. Speaking of, Jesse reminds him that how the take works for the camp. Split the their take, other half goes to camp and all that. Sean just dismissed him, telling him that he knew all that. Then Jesse asks him if he was sure about the plan.

"That's why I wanted you along for this. You sound just like Arthur, a doubter." Sean explains his reasons leaving Jesse chuckling. "I ain't just some dumb kid. I've lived a lifetime of shit already."

"I'm don't doubt that, kid. I just get worried for the camp is all..." Jesse explained briefly. They both just kept quiet after that and continued to ride up north to the cabin. They eventually talked about Blackwater, and the Callander boys and also, Jenny.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now