Pouring Forth Oil

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"What did I even do this time?" Jesiah asked as the teachers gather around him again, this is the third time this week.

"Your attitude is not acceptable here, Mr. Desantis!" one teacher shouts to him.

"What attitude? All I did was answer the stupid math question!" He said, trying to be calm and not make things worse.

"The way you answered it in a sarcastic manner is not well mannered at all, you think you're better than anyone in the class!" the other teacher said.

"Well guess what? Maybe I am, your stupid techniques aren't working on these other kids!" Jesiah replied, and it was so quick, he barely saw the ruler make contact with his face.

"You LEARN to treat teachers with respect! This is why your mother left you hear! To make you better!" the teacher said.

"My MOTHER KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT ME!" Jesiah shouted and this triggered something in the teachers.

They start to stand up and walk towards him quickly "W-wait! N-no, no no no wait-wait! I'm sorry!" he pleaded but the teachers dragged him out of the empty classroom and into the basement. "Wait! I'm sorry! I'LL BE GOOD, I PROMI-" before he knew it, his head was being pushed down into the barrel full of water and-

"GAH!" Jesse wakes up, catching his breath and in a pool of his own sweat. He was hyperventilating and he quickly looked at his surroundings, he's back at camp, he's in his tent. He sees everyone else outside. His table is there, his photos are there. His ledger is with him, his hat, clothes. Everything.... It was just a nightmare... He feels his eyes glass over but wiped them quickly as he hears someone approaching.

"Jesse? Are you okay my boy?" Hosea peeks inside, looking at the man in his cot. He had a cup of water for Jesse as well. He had heard the young man whimpering moments before, he thought it was a nightmare.

"Wha-? Y-yes, um... Hosea. Yes, I-im fine. Thank you." Jesse says then he sits up and puts his head on his hands. Hosea sits next to him and gives him the water. Jesse accepts it and downs the water quickly to help him catch his breath.

"You've been having those quite often again..." Hosea mentions.

"Y-yeah... Umm, maybe it's because, we don't have much problems these past few days... My mind is looking for something to worry about." Jesse says

"Maybe It'll help if you-"

"I appreciate your concern, Hosea... I really do... But I just don't think I'm ready yet..." Jesse confesses.

Hosea sighs and smiles at the younger man... "Of course, take your time, my boy." Hosea said and he stands up to leave, he stops for a moment to inform him about John, "Oh yeah, John was looking for someone to help him with, a train I think. You should go, keep your mind off those nightmares."

"Okay, sure... Thanks Hosea." Jesse said and Hosea leaves.

Jesse rubs his eyes one last time and gets up to change. A normal button down and a pair of pants will do for the day and a pair of boots.

He makes his way to John while he's reading a book.

"Hosea said you needed someone?" Jesse started.

"You sure you wanna help me out?" John asked, remembering the conversation they had a few weeks ago.

"Sure, why wouldn't I?" Jesse said and John just sighed.

"Uncle told me somethin' about a train. Mary-Beth  overheard something about a train full of wealthy folk, rolling down through Scarlett Meadows, just south the state border." John explains. "I talked to Arthur and said we can do this but we'll need another man."

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now