Love Makes You Crazy

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(A continuation of New Thing, Murfree Country)

They finally made it to Clemens Point. Bill sees them arrive and pointed his gun at Jessica which caused her to panic.

"Don't shoot!" she said.

"Who are you and-" He cuts himself when he saw a bloodied up Jesse stowed behind Leon. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

Arthur had just come back with Charles saving Trelawny from bounty hunters and heard the commotion at the entrance of camp.

Jessica dismounted "No sir, y-you don't understand, Jesse is my... He needs help!" she said and Arthur recognized the voice.

"IF YOU DON'T TELL ME WHO YOU ARE, I'LL PUT A BULLET IN YOUR HEAD!" Bill shouted causing half the camp to turn their heads, Jessica panicked and looked around, she finally saw a familiar face.

"Arthur! Remember me!? Jessica Wilde, we met at a barn near Valentine!?" she frantically explained.

"Yes, I know her. Bill this is Jesse's girl-" Arthur had not yet seen Jesse's unconcious body.

"Not now Mr. Morgan! Jesse needs help he..." she pulled him toward the bakc of Leon and Arthur's heart finally dropped to see Jesse, all bloodied and unconcious.

"Shit!" was all he said and he immediately picked Jesse up and walked in camp "Ms. Grimshaw! Reverend! I need help!" he said and everybody was too in shock, Jessica followed Arthur in camp. "Dutch! Anybody! Jesse's hurt!" he shouted again and he dropped Jesse on his cot with a groan from the bloodied man.

"What happened!?" Dutch asked.

"Jessica, Dutch, she's Jesse's lover. What happened Jessi!?" Arthur asked and Dutch looked to her and so did the others. She panicked as the people closed in on her with questions and she backed up, the questions of Dutch and Arthur continued but the sounds became fuzzy 'I'm a killer' she thought again. Everything was so intense when an older man finally grabbed her arm, gently.

"Calm down, everyone of ya' can't you see she's panicking!? She won't be able to answer all questions, she's shaken up." the man said to the gang.

"You think we ain't shaken up? Jesse's  been brought here by a stranger all bloodied up Hosea!" John said.

"I understand that, but she needs to calm down. You mind Jesse and I'll talk to the girl." the man explained then turned to Jessica "Now, sweetheart, have a seat." Jessica looked at him and she immediately calmed down and took a seat. "My name is Hosea, I'm more like a mentor of Jesse. Would you like some water my dear?" Hosea asked gently, and she slowly nodded. Hosea left and she looked around again. She got some nasty looks, especially from the women, the one with the dark hair especially. Then one blonde girl was actually smiling at her but she didn't know why. Hosea came back with some water and she drank it.

Hosea looked at her again "Now... Can you tell us what happened to our boy?" Hosea asked.

Jessica sighed and looked at her hands "We... We were a-at somewhere in Roanoke because, Jesse always said he wanted to see my p-paintings." she started and Hosea hummed for her to continue "T-then, we had a great time. Then we went to go hunting, I-I heard a noise but he told me not to worry about it..." she starts to shake, Hosea calmed her down by putting his hand on her shoulder. Then she continued, "Then we fell asleep, he wasn't there the next morning. I panicked, but I followed the tracks... He didn't bring any heavy duty weapons, just the ones in his person. I followed it to a cave and he was getting beaten, a-and sliced and... I saw plenty of bodies mutilated and beaten up as well, they were scattered" she cried and she covered her face, "I didn't know what came over me... But I shot the man... Then I shot a-another, then I-I... I couldn't stop... I killed them, they were chasing us, they were many, I kiled them. I killed them, I'm a killer I- I killed them mister, I-"

Hosea sweetly shushed her and let her cry in front of him "But you saved our boy." he said... "You saved him didn't you?" he said and she nodded. "And you say these, people killed other people?" she nodded again "You killed them, to save a life my dear, if you weren't there, Jesse would have been one of thise bodies you saw." he said and she looked up at him "You wouldn't want that, do you?" she shook her head. "Now, you may be a killer... So are we... But I think they deserved what came to them... You did the world a favor." Hosea said then placed his hand on her shoulder again "I know it's not easy, we're bad men, but we don't kill like them... You, don't kill like them..." Hosea said and her tears stopped.

He was right, she didn't kill for fun, she did that because she had to save the man she loves.

"Thank you... Mr. Hosea..." she said quietly.

"Of course, now... I'll tell old Dutch and the others what you just told me... Would you like to sit next to Jesse?" he asked. The girl nodded and took a stool next to him and she sat down.

Hosea walked to Dutch's tent where Arthur and John are as well.

"Well?" Dutch asked expectantly. The younger men shifted to listen.

"They had a date, followed by them savages in Roanoke. They took Jesse, and she saved him. She's not as bad as you think." Hosea said.

"I told ya's the Murfrees" Arthur said.

"Murfrees?" John asked.

"Some freak savages in Roanoke, they think they own the country so they kill anyone that's camping out that are off guard." Arthur explained.

"Exactly, I think we should let her stay here as much she wants, it looked like she's gone through enough, killing to save our boy." Hosea said.

"A sweet looking girl can do that?" Dutch asked.

"Like you always say Dutch, sometimes, love makes us crazy." Hosea said as he exit his tent.

The three remained and watched the woman that's in love.

Two weeks had passed and Jessica leaves and comes from time to time to bring the camp supplies to help Jesse. She became close with Karen and Abigail is still trying to warm up to her. She took care of him, not much was said for each other, they appreciated each other's presence, also because the cuts on his face prevented him to do so. Obviously, she now knows that they are a gang of outlaws too.

"So... How you feel about the place?" Jesse asked weakly.

"It's fine... Cozy..." she said as she cleaned the bandages on his face.

"I'm an outlaw..." He said.

"About that... Why did you feel the need to hide that from me... I told you I'd understand, and by the looks of it, ya'll don't even seem like outlaws..." she said.

"I just... Don't want you to look at me differently..." Jesse said frowning... Jessica held his cheek.

"I would never... My love..."

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now