Welcome To the New World

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The Pinkertons dragged Jesse, unnecessarily, to the caged wagon just outside the station where they took him.

"Will you stop dragging me!? With these shackles, how far do you think I'll go?" Jesse said annoyingly, receiving a hit from one of the guards.

"We couldn't take any chances, young man." Ross said.

Jesse laughs, "Don't worry, Agent Ross, I don't have the energy to run."

Ross looks at him and then the guards to let him go and let him inside the wagon by himself. For some reason, the authorities waited another whole day before taking Jesse wherever he needs to be at the time.

But then, a guard joined him to keep watch and they start to travel North.

"Where are ya'll taking me?" Jesse asked.

"To where we took your friend, Marston. Sisika Penitentiary." Ross answered, "Just a place where every single one of your kind deserved to be."

The outlaw chuckles, "I don't think you're the judge of that, Ross."

Ross then turns around to look at the man, "And you are?"

The man shakes his head, "Certainly not me. Only one being can do that and He's up in the sky, in His kingdom. He's the only one who can judge you, me, and everybody else."

Ross laughs hysterically, "You're one of the worst ones. Acting all Holy and thou, then becomes a killing machine when given the chance."

Jesse frowns... because he agrees, but he knows the kind of man he is. He knows the one above is understanding, and doesn't see the outlaw because of his sin. His sin doesn't stop there, he is understood. If given the chance, he'd leave this life, but it's too late. He wanted this, but he didn't mean for himself to go too far in becoming an outlaw, or killer. The one above knows this outlaw's desire to be better, and the one above knows that the world is preventing him to do so.

"I don't expect you, or any man to understand who I am." Was all Jesse could say.

Ross laughs again as they approach the shore and the boat to the Penitentiary. "You learned well from Van Der Linde, always have a fine way with words."

"My fine way of words come from my education, not some lunatic who can't keep his people safe."

Then they led him to the boat, "Jesiah, hating his leader. This is interesting..."

They finally settled on the small boat on the way to the next Island which is occupied by the Penitentiary itself. Jesse stared at it like it was Goliath and he was David, no fear was within him as they near the big institution where he'll be trapped in for who knows how long. He noticed Ross smile as neared the shore, excited for the outlaw to be finally put behind bars.

No words were said as they got out of the boat and guided Jesse to the wagon. His shackles shook as he mounted it. Other prisoners watched as he's the new arrival, either that or they knew him but that's highly unlikely. They arrive at the bridge and passed through it.

Jesse just waited patiently as Ross made the guards open the gate. The outlaw was so deep in his thought. 'What happened to Dutch?', 'Where are they?', 'What'll happen to them? To Arthur? The others? Jessica? She must be worried sick.'

His running mind was cut as Ross made him get out of the wagon. He looked around and it was surrounded by buildings of brick. It honestly didn't look like a prison, it looked like a... community, it even looks like a school. It looked like something from the past... Hopefully, this time, he can fight back.

They made him remove his current clothes except for undergarments in an empty room, alone. Then, he was given new clothes with black and white stripes which he didn't waste any more time in putting it on. When he exited the room, he was met with a guard who looks a lot less intimidating than whet Jesse expected.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now