Enter, Pursued By A Memory

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Arthur woke up and made some coffee to check on Jesse, turns out he was already awake.

"Creed." Arthur greated then handed him the cup of coffee

"Morgan, thank you." he grabbed the cup and Arthur leaned on the door frame.

"How're you holdin up, brother?" Arthur asked.

"Just fine, I can stand up now. The pain's still there but I can walk, and hunt." he said.

"Hunting's what caused this." Arthur replied.

"I know, but it'll get worse if I keep babying it." he explained.

"Guess you're right." Arthur said.

They then made their way to the main building where all the others are cooped up. Getting warm. Resting. Worrying. Abigail has been worried about John since Dutch asked him to scout. Arthur and Jesse enters the place and Abigails approaches Arthur.

"Hello Arthur." She greeted as Arthur dusted himself.

"Abigail." He greeted back. As Jesse sat down next to Hosea.

"Arthur, how ya doin'?" she asked and he had a skeptical look on his face when she asked this.

"Just fine Abigail. And you? " He said.

"I need you to- I- I'm sorry, I'm sorry to ask but-" Arthur cut her off.

"It's little John, he's got himself caught into a scrape again." he said sarcastically.

"He ain't been seen in tw- two days. " she said.

"But your John'll be fine, I mean, he may be as dumb and as dull as rusted Iron. but that ain't changing because he got caught and some snowstorm!" Arthur murmured the last part.

"And, Abi, I think John's too afraid to die right now so, I think he'll be a tad bit smart about all this." Jesse said.

"Please go take a look, Javier?" Hosea said.

"Yes?" Javier replied.

"Javier will you ride out with Arthur, to take a look for John. You're the two best fit men we've got." Hosea explained.

"Ouch." Jesse held his chest, jokingly hurt.

"Now?" Javier half complained.

"She's- we're all pretty worried about him." He said, showing worry in his voice this time.

Jesse starts to walk towards Arthur and hands him a sawed-off shotgun.

"I know, if the situation we're reversed, he'd look for me." Javier said.

Arthur took the gun and start to head out. Abigail says a small thank you as they both leave the cabin.

They mounted their horses and start riding out towards the river, that's were they last were headed as Javier knows.

"For all we know, he kept riding North and never looked back." Arthur said.

"He wouldn't leave, not like that."

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time."

They ride up towards the river. Arthur followed Javier until he saw some smoke. They took a look and hoped it ain't more of O'driscoll's boys. They see that somebody left, not too long ago. Javier saw two sets of horse tracks and pointed to the direction it went. He rode out and Arthur followed again.

"You think it's him?" Arthur asked.

"You tell me, these are horse tracks for sure, but It could be anyone. Let's just where they lead." Javier replied.

Arthur and Javier kept riding up the mountain and talked about the Blackwater Ferry Job. Arthur asked what happened and all Javier could say was that it went good, then suddenly just raining bullets. He also said how Dutch killed a girl out of cold blood, definitely not like him. Javier then notices two bloodied horses.

"He was riding that horse when we left Blackwater."

"Oh... That's..." Arthur didn't show it, that's when he started worrying.

"Let's see if he can hear us." Javier said and aimed a gun towards the sky and pulled the trigger.


Javier and Arthur heard him and it was coming from up and behind the mountain. They dismounted their horses and walked towards the mountain. Arthur followed Javier and John start shouting again.

"That sounds closer. WE'RE COMING JOHN!" Javier shouted.

The duo walked towards the voice and kept looking for the other. John start shouting again.




They paused to hear a response and heard John.

"I'm here! Down on the ledge!" John shouted.

"I'M DOWN HERE!" he shouted for the last time.

"ALRIGHT! PIPE DOWN, MARSTON!" Arthur shouted back.

Javier and Arthur walked towards it and saw the state John was in. He looked up atvthe two men.

"Well that's quite a scratch you got there." Arthur pointed out about John's face. 

"I never thought I'd say this but, it's good to see ya Arthur Morgan." John said.

Arthur jumped down and looked at him closely.

"You don't look so good." seeing that John had been scratched up pretty good.

"Don't feel to good neither. I'm freezing. " John said.

Arthur lifted him up the ledge and Javier caught him and pulled him up.
"Don't die just yet, cowboy." Arthur commented.

Arthur then got up the ledge and Javier helped him to put John on his shoulder.

"Ain't you a sorry sight." Arthur told John.

"Can't... Argue with you there." John replied.

Not long after walking, they hear howling from a distance. John looked up and muttered a 'perfect'. They quickly put the handicapped on horseback, John on Javier's. Arthur distracted the wolves when they mounted up. When the wolves we're dealt with, Arthur mounted. They ride down the mountain and more wolves came.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now