Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

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"I am Jesiah Desantis. I am... 11 years old. I am from Saint Denis. And I love..." Jesse recited in front of the class. The boy was terrified to be in front, but a new teacher has come in and introductions are needed.

"Go on, son... We have all day..." the new teacher said. He seemed kind, he was young. Not too young, you'll just know that he's new to this line of work. He had neatly combed hair, clean shaven face. He has a normal build, and he had a bubbly personality. Something that Jesse immediately noticed.

Jesse is used to having teachers that are old and grumpy. Sour men and women who'd punish him for something as much as breathing the wrong way, looking at them the wrong way, and even having the slightest change of tone when he spoke to them. He wasn't used to the kind nature of this new teacher, but he was relieved to finally have someone who doesn't scream at him every minute and every hour of the day.

"I love... Science, sir." Jesse continued and the new teacher smiled at him and gestured him to take a seat.

"Then I guess you'll be having fun in my class, Mr. Desantis." he said "Alright class, that was the last of you. Great to meet you all! I hope we could have a wonderful school year!" he said while walking to the front of the class in an animated manner as to entertain the little boys in the class. Then he looked at the calendar near the blackboard "To make this class a whole lot mor exciting, in two weeks time, I will be choosing one of you as the my best student of the month! What's so exciting you may ask? I know you children are always in this fine establishment, so my treat is to take one of you to the park or anywhere else, and we can do whatever you want! I'll just be the one to pay. Plus, I will be giving extra credit for being good!" the teacher said and the classroom boomed with excitement, even Jesse's eyes lit up.

Two weeks time, it's around Jesse's 12th birthday, If he behaved enough, he can be chosen and have the birthday he could ever want.

For two weeks, the young boy had been in his best behaviour during that class. He wanted this so bad, he even started to somewhat act better to the other subjects too, no ugly looks, no sarcastic tones, which means his punishments had beeen lessened.

He managed to participate in the science class, helping the teacher with experiments in which he enjoyed. This caused some of the kids to act suspicious towards Jesse.

"OI! DESANTIS!" one of the boys called as Jesse exits the classroom.

"What?" Jesse asked, unamused.

"You think we don't see what you're trying to do?" the other boy asked accusingly.

"What are you talking about?" he knows exactly what he's talking about.

"You tryna be all teacher's pet just so you can have a free day with Mr. Milliken aren't you?" the last boy said, knowing the teacher in question is watching from afar.

Jesse just scoffed, "Believe what you want to believe boys." He said as he was about to turn aroun dbut one of the three boys shoved his books off of his hands then punched him straight in the nose, "I see how it is YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Jesse said and then he suddenly grabbed the boy by the collar then continuously punched him until he bled. Not even the two boys were able to pull him off.

Mr. Milliken had to take action on the situation. He walked towards the boys and pulled Jesse off of the boy. He put Jesse behind him and helped the boy up.


"YOU SHOULDN'T'VE HIT ME FIRST COCKSUCKER!" Jesse countered, causing one of the teachers to hear the commotion.

"What is going on here?" she asked.

"Ms. Waters, will you please escort Mr. Denvers to the nurse's office, I will deal with Desantis." Mr. Milliken said, giving Jesse a glare at which he looked away, he isn't even scared anymore, just annoyed.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now