Wedding Traditions

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"It's nice to meet you, Jesiah Creed." Jessica's father smiled and greets in the middle of Jesse's breakdown.

"It's nice to finally meet you!" Her mother cheerfully said as she approaches Jesse with a hug.

"I-... I-" Jesse is wheezing at this point.

Jessica noticed and goes, "Will you give us a moment?" her parents didn't even get a chance to nod and she already pulled Jesse to the other room.

Tacio whispers to Meredith, "Do I look scary right now?" he asks.

"Of course not! You look handsome, darling... Do I?" She asked as well.

"No, you look fantastic. He looked like he's seen a ghost." He shook his head and the Golds laughs behind them, making them do the same.

In the other room, Jessica sits Jesse down on one of the sofas.

"What's going on?" she asks him in a whisper-yelling tone.

"Those are your parents? You didn't tell me that they're coming TODAY?" he pauses, "I think I just peed my pants." His voice shakes.

"You didn't pee your pant-"

"Oh, hoW wOulD yOu kNow?" he whisper-yells as well.

Jessica sits down next to him and puts her hand on his chest, "Relax. You're fine." And she notices the hair, "Beautiful actually, might wanna keep you to myself tonight, if you know what I mean.

"Love, I'm flattered but I feel very, very shaky and I think I shat my pants for the fifth time in this five-minute conversation." He rambles as he held her hand.

She chuckles, before she says, "Jesse, look at me." she puts her hand on his cheek to guide him and he looked straight into her eyes, "You're good. You're perfect, even... There's nothing to worry about."

"I'm perfect to you, maybe. But to them- gosh, parents hate me. I fear parents." He retorted.

"Your father loves you!"

"Not my mother!"

She then shakes her head, "Woah, woah, huh." She says as she flails her pointer finger in his face, "First of all, don't compare your mother to my parents. And second, your mother's not normal, so she can piss off to only God knows where!"

Jesse stares at her and starts to laugh, "That was a good one... You're right..." he exhaled, "Maybe I am overreacting."

"You are. And they'll love you, I promise! You're a very lovable person, you just let your self-doubt run through your head first." She says.

"Yeah, well my experiences play a big role in that." He says.

Suddenly, Tacio peaks his head in the room.

"Hi, we made a reservation at the Bastille Saloon at seven, maybe it's best to get ready now, children." He reminds them and Jesse suddenly stands up and wipes his hand on his pants.

He offers his hand towards Jessica's father and he happily shakes it, "I apologize for me walking out there, I got nervous."

"Oh, don't worry, son. That happened to me when I get to meet Meredith's parents. The night ended with shotguns and pistols and I won't let history play itself." Tacio rambled and Meredith laughs behind him...

Jesse noticed how similar they are to her parents. Jesse then takes a proper look at her mother, Meredith, then back at Jessica, then back at Meredith...

"Are you-"

"Yes, we get that a lot." Jessica says.

"We look like twins don't we?" Her mother says excitedly and Jessica laughs.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now