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After a few minutes, they meet up at the spot, both carrying deer carcasses. Jesse shot a rabbit while he's at it. They mounted their horses and start their journey back to camp.

"Nice work, Jesse. Should be enough meat here to keep us all fed for a few days." Charles said.

"Thank you, not too bad yourself." he complimented.

A moment of silence again but it was comforting. They just ride side to side for a short distance until Jesse broke the silence.

"We ain't ever talked that much, you and me. How long have you been with us now? Five, six months?" Jesse asked.

"Seems about right. How about you?"

"Me? 14 years I think."

"You think?"

"Yep, Me and John were the same age when we I got into the gang. "

"Do you mind me asking, how you met them?"

"Well, John and I met just a few days before we met them. We were the same age, thought it'd be better to stick together since we didn't wanna stay at an orphanage. Then we made a mistake of stealing some food and got caught. Before we swang, Dutch talked to the men and invited us to join the gang." he explained.

"I see, but, how did you end up meeting John before?"

"My parents didn't want me, more like my mama. I was a bad kid. Well, not bad as in evil, I was just a kid having fun. Maybe some jokes here and there but my family was in high society in Saint Denis, and I preferred playing with the street kids. She gave me up, sent me to a reform school somewhere in Chicago and I hated the place, would hurt me even if I wasn't doing nothin', I escaped one night, and met John in the process."

"I see, so you we're a wealthy kid?" Charles asked.

"Not wealthy my friend... Just a kid with a mother who's a social climber. Spending money on things we barely afford just to please the public eye. As a matter of fact, we was broke, we used gramps' money but my momma kept doing things she ain't supposed to do, and my pa supported or didn't stop her atleast."

"I see. Now that we're on the topic of reminiscing, what is it with the O'Driscolls?" Charles asked.

"You ain't dealt with them? I suppose we ain't run into them much the last six months." Jesse said

"Yeah...I've heard a lot of talk about them..." Charles replied.

"Their leader? Colm? Him and Dutch go way back, but it ain't good. A proper blood feud. I ain't even sure who pulled the first shot when they started fighting each other, maybe, I just don'tt care about em' too much."

"So I heard."

In the distance Charles see a Grizzly bear and the horses panic.

"Watch out! Bear up ahead. Let's see if we can find another way around." Charles suggested as he lead his horse the other way.

"He's a big boy, we can take his meat." Jesse said.

"We've got enough here, no need to push our luck." Charles exolained to him then gestured for Jesse to follow.

The bear starts moving from its original position.

"He must be real hungry, stay well back. Spring storms like this are the worst for animals that sleep all winter." He explained.

"Alright, hunter. Let's go. Looks like he ain't fond of us neither."

They ride back to colter to give Pearson a special delivery. The moment they enter the camp, Jesse, the noisy boy decided to use his talent.

"WE BROUGHT SOME FOOD BACK BOYS!" as he ride to the hitching post. He noticed Arthur and Javier's bloody horse, thinking that they probably brought John back.

Arthur walks towards him.

"I heard from Hosea that you ain't restin' you idiot." Arthur said to him.

"What? We brought food... Anyway, how's John?"

"How'd you know we got John?" Arthur asked, smirking.

"Knowing Abigail well, she'd probably be screaming at you for a while now." he explained.

"I guess you're right, anyway, I'll see ya later? Since you want to move so much, then get to the men's cabin when you're done, Dutch has a job for us." Arthur explained as he went to the cabin himself.
Jesse saluted and grabbed the deer him and Charles hunted.

"Well, well, well... Just drop it down in here." Pearson instructed the men.

Charles and Jesse place their deer on the ground and table.

"Ain't a surprise... to find the camp rat loitering around the kitchen." Jesse said as he looked at Uncle.

"Is that any way to greet an old friend? I feel like we haven't spoken for days." Uncle said to the young man.

"I don't have much to say to an old man who has hearing problems, I'd just be wasting my saliva." he sarcastically explained.

"He loves me really. Arthur's just corrupting his mind." Uncle said.

"It ain't corruption if I have my own mind Uncle. Now scram! Before I skin you!"

"Well, see you gents later." Uncle said, leaving with a bottle in his hand.

"See you got on just fine." Pearson complimented

They silently chuckled as both young men stood in front of the furnace.

"Have a drink, boys... you earned it." Pearson offered. Jesse refused to drink.

"Navy rum, sir... it's the only thing... the only thing."
Pearson laughs while Charles hands the bottle back over to him. "Keeps you sane, it does."

"I'd rather keep my sanity the way it is, anyway you go rest that hand, Charles." Jesse said to Charles.

"I'll be fine in a few days." Charles said.

"You'll be fine in less if you rest it now, go, I'll handle this."

"You mind helping me with the skinning, Mr. Creed? It's easier if we do it together." Pearson asked.

"Oh but Mr. Pearson, skinning you would be prefered by me and maybe half the camp. " He joked.

"You're always one with the jokes aren't you? Come on."

"Of course, someone needs to make some of you sad bastards happy." Jesse explained.

"This isn't really a job for a man with a burnt hand. I'll see you both later." Charles explained and turned to walk away.

Jesse finished skinning the deers. Pearson thanked him and Jesse made his way towards the main cabin to see John.

"How are you brother?" he asked John.

"I've been better." John replied.

"I see you've copied my scar?" Jesse attempted to joke but John just chuckled weakly. "And you? Abigail?" Jesse asked her.

"I'm fine, now that he's fine..."

"Oh how sweet." Jesse teased the couple.

"Shut up." Abigail said, not having his jokes for now.

"Alright, I just came to check on you both. See ya later."

He waved then went to the men's cabin for the job Dutch was planning to do.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now