A Strange Kindness

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Dutch and the others finally arrived at camp, he barely got off his horse and already commanded everyone to pack. Jesse carried Strauss to Ms. Grimshaw and briefly explained what happened. After that, he goes over to his tent to pack up himself. He sees Hosea walking up to Dutch's tent, looking nervous as ever.

A few moments later, he hears argument in the leader's tent. The bickering of Dutch and Hosea, Jesse honestly reminds him of his parents, always fighting or nagging. Arthur arrives and Jesse gives him a small wave before packing the remainder of his stuff in Arthur's wagon.

Arthur made his way to Dutch and Hosea.

"So, we moving?" Arthur asks.

"Yeah." Dutch says as Hosea stands to leave "This'll end soon." Dutch declares to him.

"Damn right it will!" Hosea yelled at him.

"Constipated as usual." Dutch commented.

Hosea exits the tent, passing by Jesse who's about to enter.

"Everything'll be fine, Hosea." Jesse says to him.

"I hope it will, my boy." He says as he made his way to his tent to help the others finish packing up.

Jesse enters the tent while Dutch give Arthur some orders.

"Dewberry Creek, he said." Dutch says, recalling what Micah told him. Jesse heard the name and instantly stands next to them. "Maybe you and Charles can go take a look..." Dutch suggests.

"Mind if I come too? I sort of scouted the area a few days ago and I might've passed by it." Jesse explained.

"Sure, just clear off anyone you find, before the lot of us move in... Looking so conspicuous." Dutch orders them and Arthur looks at him slightly annoyed. At that, Jesse makes his way to Charles.

"Charles, mount up. Dutch has some work for us with Arthur." Jesse said to him.

"Now where have I heard that before..." Charles replies as they go to the horses to wait for Arthur.

A few moments later, Arthur finally turns up and mounts up as well.

They ride towards Dewberry Creek. They talk about packing up again because of the mess they had in Valentine. There ain't no lying low in their situation, atleast that's what Arthur thinks.

"That's Dewberry Creek right there." Jesse points at the old dried up creek before them.

"Seems very open." Charles commented.

"Yeah, it does. Ain't sure it'd be the best in rain, neither." Arthur says as well. "Well, let's take a look around." He says and the three rides towards the area, looking for a good spot to 'Lie Low' as they always say.

Charles sees a body in the middle of the creek and called up the other two. Arthur analyzes the state of the dead man on the ground.

"He's been shot. Looks like trouble got here before us." he said.

"Be cautious gentlemen, shooters might still be close around here." Jesse warned them and they nod. Charles notices a camp up ahead and they walk towards it to look around it.

"Few tents, but... Place looks empty." Arthur says.

"We can't be so sure." Jesse commented as he takes out his pistol to check each tent. All three of them did the same, just in case the other missed something.

Arthur went up ahead and noticed a wagon that's been barricaded underneath. He starts to get rid of the board, then Jesse and Charles walks over to help him. As they remove the boxes and crates, a woman with a shotgun appears, with two children.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now