Paying A Social Call

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The next few days were, quite eventful to say the least. Jesse started reading with Jack again. Helping Abigail to buy him new clothes. Seeing the boy improve makes his heart swell. Also Hosea and Arthur went out to hunt a bear, and Arthur just start flaunting the legendary pelt to Jesse. Jesse is known to be the one with the most patience to hunt these legendary animals, that's why Arthur knew it'd get on his nerve.

"Will you stop with the pelt, Morgan?" Jesse said, just asking to eat his apple in peace.

"Oh is Mr. Hunter getting too slow? Angry?" Arthur teased.

"Better watch out before I skin you myself." Jesse taunted. This got Arthur's attention.

"Oh yeah? Do it then." He said as he waited for another threat. Instead, he got a laughing Jesse and he just laughed along with him.

"Fighting don't look too good on us." Jesse said.

"No, it does not." Arthur said, suddenly, Kieran made another whiny noise or call for help.

"Will you shut up, O'driscoll?" Jesse said as both men walk towards the tied man.

"No, he ain't gonna shut up." Arthur turned his attention to Kieran "You got some speaking to do of your own... About that old gang of yours."

Kieran hung his head low "I said... I told you... I don't know nothing."

"'Course you don' t know nothin', O'driscoll." Jesse said and rolled his eyes. Just then, Dutch and Bill come walking towards the three men.

"Whoa, hold your horses there... It seems the cat has got our friend here's tongue. I was thinking Mr. Williamson could have a word."

"You ready to talk boy?" Bill said with a threatening tone and Kieran held his ground and kept denying he knows anything. Apparantly, he had ridden with them for a few months, but he ain't friends with them. They weren't satisfied with the answer and Bill asked Dutch on what to do.

"Hurt him. So the next time he opens his mouth... It is to tell us what is going on." He turns to Kieran frustrated and thought of a different tactic. "Who am I kidding? One of O'driscoll's boy couldn't open his mouth... But he'd tell a lie... Screw it... Let's just have some fun..." He looks at the three with a smile... A smile they all knew to be the 'fun' Dutch Van Der Linde. "Geld him." He said and Bill cheered to get the tongs, while Jesse and Arthur laugh at Kieran.

"What's he doin'? Where's he goin'?" Kieran asked terrified as to what will happen next. Dutch continues to pull his pants down.

"Oh don't worry... They're only balls boy... Just gonna cause you trouble. You know, in Imperial Rome, eunuchs was among the happiest and most loyal courtiers." Dutch explained... Giving the boy an idea of what's going to happen, causing him to panic.

"You sick bastards! What do you want from me?!" Kieran shouted, feeling the heat of the tongs near his... Parts.

"Well, you are gonna talk. The only question is now or after we got these little fellers off." The leader said while Bill threatens to... Cut them.

"Okay! OKAY! Listen. I know where O'driscoll's holed up and you're right... He don't like you any more than you like them..." He panics more "He's at Six Point Cabin! I'll take you there, serious. I don't like him, I mean, I like him even less than I like you, no offense." He admitted. Then Jesse spoke up.

"Alright friend, take us there, then. We'll see if you're worth killing or not." he said and Arthur cut Kieran loose. Then pushed him towards the horses.

"Try anything, O'driscoll... You'll get the worst from me." Jesse warned.

"I ain't no O'driscoll." He said again.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now