Family Meeting: A New Era

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The family was having a normal breakfast in the morning. Finally, Jesse was able to join them because he hasn't overslept.

Nothing was planned for the day, except for the women who're planning to head to the boutiques for Jessica's wedding dress.

That would be in the afternoon though, right now they're hanging out in the living room doing their own thing. Some of them are reading others are playing chess and the older men are reading the newspaper.

Jesse and Jessica are seated at the loveseat, each of them enjoying the family's silence while the children are outside playing. That was before Tacio breaks the silence.

"So, Jesse. You've officially left your gang, right?" he asks.

Jesse looks up from the book, him and Jessica are reading, "Yes sir." he says.

"Well... How's that going?" Tacio asks again.

Jese shrugs, "It's been fine for a while... I still fear that they might be on to me..."

"What if you had a gang on your own?" Abraham suggests.

Everyone slowly stopped what they were doing, trying to listen in on the conversation.

Jesse chuckles, "I'm not sure if I can handle that responsibility."

"No one's saying that you're gonna lead it. Some gangs build their people so good, no one can tell who's the leader." Jonathan says as he's stopped reading the news.

Jesse looks to him, surprised that his father is considering this idea.

"Okay, how about people? Where am I gonna find people who's willing to join?" Jesse asks.

"Well, we're already technically a gang, aren't we? We have our own place, our own people, a business to keep the money coming." Abraham suggests.

"The business isn't legal, so how much money can it even provide from country bumpkins and other gangs in the country?" Jessica asks.

"That's a good question, my dear. The business is fully ammunition. It can only be legalized if it is sold for the use of the army..." Jonathan explains.

"Yes, but you're a veteran. Do you still have that power?" Jesse asked.

"I'm not sure..." his father said.

Tacio paused in thought before speaking, "Whether we use the business for the army or not, all we need to do is we get a legal document, proving that we can sell these items." he says.

"Ya'll have thought this through huh." Jesse says.

"Not quite, but, if we get this business running well. We form an organization, we get money, we get protection, we win." Abraham says enthusiastically, earning sounds of approval from the women.

Jesse pauses to think of a way to get a legal document... Then it hit him... The mayor. "The mayor sent me a letter of his gratitude... I might've saved him and he says that I can ask for favors."

Tacio claps, "Well, there you go! We just need to convince him that we're selling these goods for the army... And a few people on the side." he says.

"Yes, we get the proper supplies, and we'll be heard from across the country." Miriam added.

"Let's not get too excited, but it can happen." Jessica says.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Tacio says as he stands to grab his coat.

"Actually, maybe us women shouldn't get involved in all that... We can get to the boutiques and maybe meet up at Bastille if that's alright with ya'll?" Evelyn suggests.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now