Thinking Hours

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Jessica stood outside of the main cabin that Sadie and Charles took over. It had been days and still no sign of anyone from the men. She helped the gang find Hosea and Lenny's bodies, then gave them a proper burial. They settled on a place near the border of Bluewater Marsh, along the main road out of Saint Denis.

The funeral was quick to assure that no law can catch them, which forced Reverend Swanson to cut his tradition short, he recited a verse from John.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Swanson spoke. Everyone murmured and 'Amen', as well as Jessica

A verse that Jessica knew very. She has memorized every part and corner of the Holy book, has memorized it by living by it daily. Even after doing crimes, she never thought she'd do. But she not only believes in God, she knows Him. She knows He'd understand.

The funeral was a few days ago. Now, the gang has resorted to waited for God knows what. Some of them lost hope, some are obviously still hopeful. It was hard for Jessica to watch them slowly losing themselves.

Dutch has babied them for so long, that they'd have no idea what to without him. It may be a good thing for him, knowing that they'd die without him so they'd stick with him until the end. It's bad for them, they don't have a sense of direction, except for some people who have a mind of their own.

Anyway, that was not something that Jessica should get involved with, all she could do now is give as much help she can. As she stood outside, gripping her lover's bible, she was amazed. She'd found it the night before, along his things. She opened it to reveal the pages full of annotations for each verse that was present.

She was so amazed at how someone so godly can end up as an outlaw. Those are the moments where she'd ask God, why things happened the way it did. But things always happen for a reason and they'll understand eventually.

As she read the holy book, Sadie and Charles arrived at camp and dismounted then went straight to Jessica. The girl looked up to acknowledge the pair.

"We found em', Jessica." Sadie said with a grin of excitement.

"We're looking for two groups Mrs. Adler, please specify." Jessica said, as a joke.

Sadie entered the cabin and gestured Jessica to follow. They approach Abigail, who was listening to her son, reading a storybook. "Abigail, we found em'"

"John?" Abigail stood immediately.

"And Jesse." Charles said which made Jessica's eyes light up.

"Well, where are they?" Jessica asked, with controlled eagerness in her voice.

"They were moved to Sisika, working on a chain gang, as we heard from loudmouth Pinkertons." Charles explained.

"Yeah, they should really make sure to choose their men wisely." Sadie commented.

They were silent for a moment, before Abigail spoke.

"And Dutch?" She bitterly asked.

Sadie shook her head and Charles frowned.

Abigail scoffed, "Well I hope they rot in hell, none of this woulda' happened if it wasn't for him."

"Relax now, Abigail. We wouldn't want that while Arthur's on board with em'. I mean, I'd prefer if he came back alone and that's when they can all rot." Jessica said as she rubbed on Abigail's arm.

"She's right." Charles said and Sadie agrees.

Abigail sighed in agreement, "Y-You're right... I just- the boy's looking for John and I- I couldn't take the sadness in his eyes..."

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now