The First Shall Be Last

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Arthur and Jesse arrive at the camp Javier and Charles set up near Blackwater. The two dismount their horses and lower themselves toward Javier and Charles who are overlooking the town to see if they can spot Sean.

"Anything new, boys?" Jesse asked as he and Arthur lie down next to the other two.

"The place is crawling with Pinkertons, Bounty Hunters and pictures of Dutch and Hosea." Javier answered Arthur sighed and mentions that they have a lot of money just sitting in Blackwater somewhere, Javier says that it's where it's gonna remain for now.

"Why haven't they hang Sean, I wonder?" Arthur asks.

"Would you rather they hang him and waste all of our time getting here?" Jesse answers him.

"I think he's bait, they probably wanna trial him publically." Charles suggested. Just then, Trelawny appears behind them.

"Gentlemen, Sean is being moved up the upper montana. Then to a federal prison outwest." The fancy man explains.

"Damn! We can't be rescuing people from some federal prison! We either rescue him now or... Cut him loose." Arthur said disappointingly, getting the attention of Charles and Jesse.

"We're not cutting anyone loose." Charles said to him and Jesse agrees.

"No, Of course not." Arthur replies.

Trelawny further explains that Ike Skelding's boys are moving Sean to a camp nearby, then handing him over to the government. Then Arthur concludes that they need to stop the group before they even make it back to their camp.

"Charles, Jesse. Why don't you two head on up on the North side. Then we'll head up on the other side of the valley and meet you boys there, that way we have them in either direction." Arthur instructs the two then they stand to mount their horses. They made their way to their designated spots.

"You and me again, Charles." Jesse started as they ride up north.

"You getting tired of me?" Charles jokes causing Jesse to nervously laugh. He never knows when Charles actually makes jokes. He just always seems like a serious man. But of course Jesse should know that he's still human and is capable of having a little fun.

"Nah, I was gonna say, I enjoy riding with you." Jesse said.

"Me too." Charles replied. They continue to ride and takes a spot above the canyon near the camp but out of sight.

"I think we should send the horses away, this might get messy." Charles suggested. Jesse nodded and continues to slap his horse's behind to send it somewhere away from the area.

"Let's wait for 'em here. They're probably planning on how to take Skelding's boys." Jesse suggested.

"You're right, just keep an eye out for Arthur and Javier." Charles said.

They overlook the canyon waiting for a signal. At some point, they spot Arthur with his binoculars so the two waved to him to let him know that they're in position. A few moment later, the first gunshot was heard coming from the other side of the canyon. Jesse and Charles became alert. They see Arthur and Javier shooting up Skelding's boys up north to their area. Jesse got his repeater and start covering the two with Charles.

Not much was said during the gunfight, since the men are too busy trying to get out of there alive. Arthur and Javier push up and Jesse and Charles run uo to them.

"Quick, C'mon, let's get up there." Javier tells Arthur and he obliged. He loots a few bodies while Javier meets with Jesse and Charles. Arthur follows.

"All good?" Charles asks.

"Is anyone hurt? Arthur?" Jesse asks as Arthur pushes up to them.

"All fine." Arthur says.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now