Madripoor Madness

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The song is Can Can by D-frek, and it's what I imagined what was going on in Danis head a little later in the chapter 😂😂

The next morning comes fast as Sharon beats on Dani and Yelena's door to wake them up. Both of them instinctually grabbed their guns as they couldn't figure out where they were.

They chuckle, setting their guns down and crawling out of bed to get ready for their mission. Dani and Yelena help each other with their vest and share a quick kiss before pulling on their black long-sleeved shirts.

They walk past Kate's room and hear her struggling with her vest they knock on the door before entering. They share a warm smile, and Yelena motions for her to spin around. Kate exhales, feeling a little better before pulling her dark navy long sleeved shirt on.

They meet in the kitchen where Sharon raises her eyebrow, flashing a smirk.

"Wow, are you sure you guys aren't some paramilitary group?" Sharon laughs as she offers some coffee.

"Well, I mean, technically, we could be. Yelena's the fastest sniper I've ever seen, and Kate never misses a shot with her bow. They've both saved my ass more than once." Dani smiles, sipping on her coffee.

"The tactical pants and boot are a dead giveaway and to the untrained eye no one can see your vest, but I can. So you might want to switch up the wardrobe a little bit." Sharon says as she sits down at the table.

"Yeah, alright, I'll go switch it up. I'll be right back. Save me a protein bar or some shit." Dani says as she walks down the hallway.

Dani throws on a red and black flannel on leaving it unbuttoned and throwing on her worn-out Carhartt dark coffee colored duck double-front utility pants. She laces her boots up again, and Sharon gives Dani a thumbs up tossing her a protein bar, which bounced off her chest and into her hands.

They grab their packs, weapons, and extra ammo loading the SUV down. They head to the port where a bunch of shipping containers are. Sharon leads them down through a maze of boxes towards Nagel's lab.

Yelena takes up a post to provide cover fire, praying they won't need it. Sharon, Kate, and Dani enter the empty container, kind of confused, since they hear muffled music playing.

They cautiously push the wall open, revealing the lab. Guns and Bow drawn they begin to clear the lab when they run into a dancing Nagel. He stops dead in his tracks, shutting his music he reaches for a gun Dani shoots at his feet about a centimeter away.

"Nuh-uh not happing today back up." Dani says sternly, keeping her sights locked on Nagel.

"O-ok ok." Nagel says, putting his hands up as he backs away.

"Are you Wilfred Nagel?" Dani asks, slipping the pistol into the back of her pants.

"Y-yes I am. Why are you asking?" Nagel says, sitting in his chair.

"Because there's a bunch of new super soldiers running around causing a muck, and they're becoming violent." Dani says and keeps Sharon in her peripheral vision since she keeps shifting around.

"So, it's not my fault. They stole my vials. I don't control what they chose to do with that power." Nagel says, crossing his arms.

"But why make more? The world doesn't need any more wild, uncontrollable superheroes." Dani says.

"I was hired by your government to make it--" Nagel says, but Yelena comes in over coms.

"We've got company heads up!" Yelena says as she lines up her shots.

"Hired?! Hired by who?" Dani asks before she can answer a few men enter shooting all over the place.

"Fuck! Babe, these fuckers just started shooting!" Dani yells, taking cover behind a steel table as she tries to get to Negal, who's cowering on the floor, but the fire is too heavy.

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