Let's go sleding

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Once they get back home all five of the women change into some comfy clothes to watch some Christmas movies and drink some hot chocolate with marshmallows in the living room. 

After a few movies Dani comes up with an idea. "Hey, since it's snowing like crazy why don't we go sleding? It's been years since I've done it and it'll be fun!" 

"I don't know Dani it's kind of cold out and we don't have any sleds." Wanda says wrapping up tighter in her blanket.

"Oh, I've got a great idea as to what would be the perfect sled. But I'll need some help." Dani says with a devilish grin.

"I think I know where this is going and I'm so here for it!" Nat smirks.

"Awesome! Nat I'm gonna need you to distract Roger's while Yelena and I sneak in to grab his shield." Dani whispers.

Wanda and Kate exchange some worried looks but listen to the rest of the plan.

All five of them get changed into snowpants, boots, hats, gloves and jackets. The group watch as Nat makes her way to Steve who's sitting at the kitchen table reading his paper.

"Nat better hurry cause I'm getting sweaty mcbetty up in this piece." Dani complains while pulling some of her layers off.

"Babe, you missed the signal, let's go!" Yelena whisper yells while pushing Dani.

The two hurry up the stairs towards Steve's room. Once they make it in they scoured the closets looking for Cap's shield.

"Ah-ha! I've got it, come on babe let's go!" Dani cheers

The two stealthily make their way back down stairs waving Kate and Wanda on. They follow close behind trying to hold their giggling in.

"Shhhh.. guys you're gonna get us caught." Yelena says anxiously.

They make it outside and wait for Nat to join them outside. 

Nat walks over to the group, "Well that was easy, did you guys make it out with the goods?"

"Of course we did!" Dani says proudly holding the shield up. "Let's get this party started!" 

Dani runs with the shield before jumping on top of it speeding down the hill she yells, "H-holy sh-shit! This thing is wicked fast!"

The other four cheer and clap while they wait for Dani to climb back up the hill. They're all excited to take the shield for a spin. 

"It's my turn! I think I deserve it, since I'm the one who distracted Rogers." Nat says while swiping the shield out of Dani's hands.

Nat sits on the shield as Dani spins her before shoving her done the hill.

"Oh fuck! I'm soooooo dizzy!" Nat yells as she reaches the bottom of the hill.

Nat tries to stand up but falls like a newborn deer to her knees. She grabs the frozen ground to try and slow down the dizzying spins.

"You got her pretty fucked up there Dani." Yelena laughs.

"I didn't mean too.. let me go help her. I'll be right back you three decide who's going next." Dani says running down the hill towards Nat.

"I think I'm gonna puke! Don't spin me like that again!" Nat says clutching her stomach with her eyes closed.

"I'm sorry Nat, I didn't mean to make you sick. Here, let me help you up." Dani says holding her hand out for Nat to grab.

"It's alright, that was really fun! Thanks for helping me." Nat smiles while she leans her head on Dani's shoulder.

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