Cracked ribs are for the birds

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The next morning Dani wakes up but she groans out in pain as she tries to sit up.

Yelena shoots up like a rocket still half asleep and asks, "Huh? What? What's wrong?"

"I tried to stretch and forgot.. but I could use some more ibuprofen and a lidocaine patch or something." Dani winces.

"Yeah, hold on I'll grab some from the bathroom." Yelena says climbing over Dani as she goes into the bathroom.

She hands Dani the pain meds and a water bottle. Then she pulls the covers off and tells Dani to roll over onto her right side so she can put the lidocaine patch on better. She slowly peels the backing off before gingerly pressing it against the sore ribs.

Dani grits her teeth a bit, "Thank you babe I appreciate it. Come lay down and I'll play with your hair for a little while."

"Sorry I tried to be as gentle as possible. I love when you play with my hair!" Yelena says as she crawls into bed again.

"You did fine babe. They're just really tender since the meds wore off. I know you do, you kind of remind me of a puppy getting ear scratches when I do it cause you move your head closer to my hand every time. It's cute." Dani laughs.

"I'm not a dog! I can't help it, it feels good. And you do the same thing when I play with your hair too." Yelena says as she gently taps Dani's chest before laying her head down on it.

Dani plays with Yelena's hair for a while until she falls asleep once more. Dani smiles at the sight of her sleeping girlfriend she places a kiss on top of her head. Dani lays there for a while unable to get comfortable enough to fall asleep again so she turns the tv on low to keep her occupied until Yelena wakes up again.

Yelena stirs after a few hours and looks up at Dani with a frown, "You weren't able to fall back to sleep were you?"

"I couldn't get comfortable but it's ok, I liked watching you sleep. And this show is pretty interesting they're talking about famous serial killers." Dani looks down and smiles.

"But you need sleep too watch some crazy shows." Yelena says with worry but smiles.

"I got enough sleep for now. What? It's interesting to see what their thought process was when they committed those crimes. The psychological part is fascinating to me." Dani chuckles.

"Ok. But I still worry though babe. Whatever you say I'll watch it with you when it's done do you want to go get breakfast?" Yelena asks laying her head down on Dani's chest again.

They end up getting sucked into the series after almost two hours of serial killer documentaries they finally give into their growling stomachs. Yelena climbs out of bed first so she can help Dani  so she doesn't agitate her ribs. Dani slides her sweatpants on before they head to the kitchen. Where they find Tony, Steve, and Sam all watching the video of Bucky losing his arm and Dani getting hurt.

 "Ohhh... Shit! Diesel got her good!" Sam exclaims as he puts his hand up to his mouth in shock.

"Yeah he did. I'm surprised Dani didn't sustain more damage than that." Tony grimaces.

"I still can't believe Bucky let a dog outwit him." Steve rolls his eyes.

"I'm glad you all enjoyed the show." Dani says as she sits down at the kitchen table while Yelena goes to make them food.

"Uh.. We.. are you ok?" The boys ask concerned.

   "Oh I don't know boys, does this look ok to you?" Dani smirks points to the giant black an blue bruise that runs all the way down the side of her body.

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