Backstory pt. 2

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Dani gives her dad a call to explain what's happened and how excited she was to leave that shit hole of a shop.


"Hey dad what are you doing? I've got some news to tell you. You know how I've complained about working at that garage? Well remember when I told you about the driver who wouldn't leave me alone? Well I basically told him if he came any closer to me I'd beat him with my wrench. His ego got bruised and he told my boss. Larry fired me BUT I was working on Mr. Stark's car and he over heard the whole conversation. He offered me a job! I'd be some kind of fool if I didn't take it! He's going to have me move into the compound so I don't have to worry about paying rent in this tiny apartment!"  


"I'm working like always! Well what have I always told you? Don't take shit from anyone! Wait.. like THE Mr. Stark?? What?! That's amazing hun! I'm happy for you and don't squander this chance for something great. I know you won't. You're the hardest working person even after all you've been through and I'm proud of you. Have you told your brothers and sisters yet?"


"I know. I KNOW! I'm super excited! Thanks dad. HA! You're kidding right? They never reply when I text them or when I call them. But they all have the audacity to bitch an moan when I don't respond right away cause I'm either working or sleeping. Half the time I forget to respond cause I open their messages while I'm half asleep. Night shift kicks your butt and it's hard to get everything done before work. You know that, you've worked night shift before. The phone works both ways but I guess they forgot that. But enough complaining I've gotta get the rest of my stuff packed up. I just wanted to give you a heads up since I was excited and I didn't want you to send something to this address and it be the wrong address. I'll text you my new address when I'm done. Tell gram, and my aunts I was thinking about them and that I say HI and I love them. I love you too dad be careful please."


"You're right. You're just like me and they don't like it but it shows how much stronger you are than them. You don't need to put anyone down to get the things you want in life. They all in some way have the same traits as your mother whether they like to admit it or not. Ok, yeah text it to me cause you know I'll forget it if you don't. I will they were all asking about you the other day. You should probably call gram's house one of these days while everyone is there they'll be happy to hear from you. I love you and I'll talk to you later. Bye."

With that Dani hangs up and gets back to packing her things. It's been an hour or so and Dani texts Tony that she's all finished packing. Within seconds Dani hears a knock at the door and the dogs go crazy.

"Who the hell could that be I just texted Tony. Ok Chevy and diesel chill please! Chevy and Diesel go place on your mats!" Dani says as she goes to open the door.

"Hello, You must be Dani. I'm Natasha Romanoff, I was told by Tony that your stuff was all packed up so I'm here to escort you to the compound." Nat says.

'Wow she's really pretty but intimidating at the same time.' Dani thinks,

"Uhh.. Yeah I am. Would you like to come in I still have to grab a few things. This is Chevy and diesel by the way. They won't do anything until I use their release command." Dani says as she goes to grab the dogs bowls and food.

"Impressive.. the movers will be here in a few and I've already dealt with your landlord real nice guy that one is." Nat says sarcastically.

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