Joey's Graduation and party

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(So I vaguely remember them playing this song at my older sisters graduation when I was younger. I'm definitely showing my age here 😂 does anyone else know this song?)

So, the day has finally come for Dani's little brother to graduate. She had sent the dogs to doggy daycare for the week so she could enjoy the next few days. She's excited and proud of him for accomplishing one of the many mile stones in life. The ceremony isn't until late afternoon, so she has time to help him figure out an outfit. They go to the mall to pick out a nice button-down shirt, tie, pants and shoes.

Dani ends up helping Joey style his hair and then lets him get dressed. She knocks on the door, making sure it's ok before opening it again. He's trying to figure out how to tie his tie.

"Here, let me help you." Dani laughs as she unties the jumble of knot he created.

"Thanks, it's more complicated than I thought." Joey says as he watches Dani in the mirror.

"It's something you have to practice, and you know the old man doesn't dress up that often to show you." Dani laughs, finishing up the double Windsor knot.

"Look sharp there, Joey." Yelena smiles, leaning against the doorframe.

"Спасибо сестра." Joey smiles wide.

"You're welcome. You about ready to go? Nat and Wanda are waiting in the car." Yelena asks.

"Yeah, the old man texted me, saying he just picked up gram and the aunties." Dani says, checking her hair in the mirror before flattening the small wrinkles in her navy blue dress.

"I still can't believe you're in a dress and heels, Dani. It's like I'm in the twilight zone or something." Joey laughs.

"Shut your mouth. I just wanted to show off for once." Dani says, smacking Joey with her tiny purse.

"I think you look great, baby." Yelena says, walking over to kiss Dani.

"Ew with that, I'm going to the car." Joey says, exiting the bathroom.

"You think so? It's not too tight, is it?" Dani asks, checking herself in the mirror again.

"Well, it's tight in all the right places, babe." Yelena winks before kissing Dani again.

"Hmm... I could say the same to you. This forest green dress looks amazing on you." Dani hums, then they hear the horn blaring. "We're being summoned, I guess, but we still have an hour to get there."

Yelena laughs, grabbing Dani's hand, leading her down to the car.

"Finally, you guys took forever!" Joey says dramatically, putting his feet on the dash.

"Yo, get your fucking feet off the dash, this is a rental." Dani says leaning over slapping Joey's legs.

"Ow, ow ok geez. You know where we're going, right?" Joey asks, buckling his seat belt.

"Yes, I went to the same high school you did, and it's in the same place every year.

"I'm just checking. You're getting up there in years now." Joey says, and everyone snickers.

"Boy, if you don't quit, you won't make it up on that stage tonight." Dani says, glaring at him as she backs out of the driveway.

They make it to the university across town, dropping Joey off before parking the car themselves. What Joey didn't know was that the whole team aside from Peter and Kate were attending the graduation. They had other issues to deal with and couldn't make it. Dani had asked the rest of the team to come along as a surprise. They wait outside for Dani's dad, gram, and aunts to get there before walking in.

Not another Yelena storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя