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In this story it follows a young woman named Dani Louet she is 21 years old who is originally from a small town in Pennsylvania. She has graduated from a tech school where she studied their diesel program and has a CDL with the many endorsements you can test for as well. She is also one of four other siblings. An older brother (34), older sister (30), twin sister (21), and a younger brother (16). Their relationship isn't the greatest between them Dani is basically the black sheep of the family. Both her parents are alive but she doesn't get along with her mother. 

Dani's childhood

TW: Alcohol and drug abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse

Growing up Dani's parents would constantly fight over money issues and her mothers abuse of alcohol and other drugs. Dani's father Charles worked constantly to keep a roof, food, and clothes on their backs. Dani's mother Dana was your typical narcissist who treated her two daughters poorly while treating their younger brother like a king. Even though at the age of 11 Dani and her sister were the ones who actually took care of their younger brother while Charles was away working. When Dani turned 13, Dana decided to pack up and leave Charles one day. While he was at work she took everything in the house and moved it to an apartment complex.

The night before Dana had told the girls that they were moving out the next day which caused them to get very upset. Dana threatened the girls if they had mentioned their mother's plan they'd be "punished" which would be a beating. What made matters worse was Charles had come up to say goodnight before he left for work in the morning for a week and he kept asking what was wrong. But the girls refused/panicked as their mother gave them the death stare. They told him it was nothing and he believed them then gave them their hug and kiss goodnight. When the girls woke up the next morning their older siblings and their friends were there to help them move out. Dani didn't like it one bit so she ended up writing Charles a note explaining what Dana's plan was and where she was moving them to.

Once settled into the apartment the girls were told they had to go to school the next day while Dana went to go get divorce papers filed. (it took 5yrs. for Dani's parents divorce to be finalized. Dana was trying to as much as she could off of Charles.)  Dana was barley working and partying a lot. There was barely any food in the house for everyone to eat. Charles was paying child support, but none of it was going to his children. One night while Dani, her sister, and little brother had come home from spending time with Charles, Dana was intoxicated as well as high she decided to start an argument with Dani while her siblings were in their rooms. 

Dana had begun to say, "You know what you're just like your father you don't care about anyone but yourself!" 

Dani replied, " I don't want to hear this right now you're drunk and I just want to get ready for bed." As she starts to walk towards the bathroom.

Dana yells, "You know what, your father didn't even want you! Did you know that?! He told me to get an abortion! I couldn't do that I loved you too much!"

Dani begins to tear up, "Why would you tell your 13 year old daughter that? That's not true! I don't believe you, you're a liar!" as she begins to run to the bathroom.

Dana gets off the couch and shoves Dani up against the wall with her forearm against her throat and yells in Dani's face,

" Don't you ever walk away from me when I'm talking to you! You have no right to call me that either! You little bitch! If you don't believe me why don't you call you're perfect father and ask him yourself?!" Dana shoves her forearm into Dani's throat once more and lets her slide down the wall with tears streaming down her face while she coughs.

"Oh! it's past your bed time get in bed before you piss me off any more!" Dana yells from the couch as she light a cigarette up.

There were plenty more interactions like that between Dani and her twin sister with their mother. They had multiple encounters with the cops being called with the abuse that Dana was inflicting on the girls, but the judge wouldn't let them into Charles's custody since he had no where for the girls to live. The girls would have their own arguments with each other and get physical since they didn't know how to navigate their emotions nor how to deal with what chaos was going on around them. Their mother had moved them around Pennsylvania around 6 times in 3 years. Charles ended up having to sell their childhood home and move in with his parents because of the debt in unpaid bills Dana had wracked up.  When the girls turned 17 Dana had kicked both girls out.  Charles was dating at the time and his girlfriend was kind enough to let them stay there until they graduated from high school (2012).

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