Christmas morning 🎄🎄

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It's super early in the morning when Dani wakes up cause she can't sleep anymore. She decides to go to the kitchen to make everyone breakfast like her mom used to when she was younger and her mom still sort of cared for her. She makes tons of pancakes some with chocolate chips, some with blueberries and some plain ones too. She then starts to cut up some other fruits and places them in a bowl. Then she starts to cook the sausage and bacon in a pan. She gets a call from her dad saying they'd be over there soon as she hangs up Melina texts her saying they'd be over soon as well. She sets up the kitchen table all nice before asking F.R.I.D.A.Y. to wake Nat, Wanda, and Yelena up. Dani hears the familiar footsteps of her friends and fiancé she walks over to the stairs to greet them.

"Merry Christmas guys! I couldn't sleep anymore and decided to make a huge ass breakfast. Everyone will be over in like fifteen minutes then we can all eat together!" Dani beams.

The three women look at each other in bewilderment, "How do you have this much energy this early? And how are you not hungover you were drinking a lot last night."

"I don't maybe the Christmas spirit saved me from my hangover." Dani laughs. "But come on I made coffee and there's orange juice out."

They all sleepily follow Dani into the kitchen and make themselves some coffee and snacking on some pieces of fruit while they wait for their family to get there. F.R.I.D.A.Y. tells them that their family is at the front door and she let's them in. They make their way into the kitchen and everyone exchanges hugs and Merry Christmases. Dani has everyone sit at the kitchen table as she starts to bring all of the food she's cooked out to the table.

"Wow, everything looks great babe. Thank you!" Yelena smiles as she waits for Dani to sit down next to her.

"No problem, I figured we'd share a special breakfast for our first Christmas together. Besides these were like three ingredient pancakes too nothing too strenuous." Dani smiles as she takes her seat.

The stacks of pancakes make their way around the table along with the bacon and sausage too. Everyone's plate were filled to the brim then they all begin to eat. Everyone chats about their favorite moments from the night before. Not long after everyone is super full and they're all ready for a post breakfast nap. Everyone starts to clear the table and tell Dani to go sit on the couch while they clean up as a little thank you for cooking. Once everything was put away they walk into the living room. Dani has some Christmas music playing while she turns the tree on.

"So is everyone ready to open presents? Or do we all need a nap first?" Dani laughs.

"We're ready when you are Dani." Nat says with a smile.

"Awesome, I'll grab a trash bag for all the wrapping paper and then I'll start handing presents out." Dani says heading to the kitchen.

Once she comes back she starts to distribute everyone their presents. As she watches the excitement and joy in her friends and family's faces she can't help but get a warm fuzzy feeling throughout her body. Yelena gets to the last little box from Dani and looks slightly confused.

"What's this babe? I thought I opened all my jewelry." Yelena says while she takes the lid off the box. "Babe? What are these for?"

Dani smiles widely, "Well, why don't we all go take a ride and find out together?"

"Um ok, I think I know where this is going." Yelena says all giddy.

Everyone gets dressed and they head out in separate SUVs, Nat follows behind Dani. They drive about a half hour to forty five minutes away from the compound where they reach a snow covered driveway.

"Where are we going?" Wanda says.

"Oh I have an idea. I think Dani bought a house. I'm surprised she was able to keep it a secret for this long." Nat smirks.

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