Tony and Pepper's anniversary

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Tonight is the big party and reveal for Tony and Pepper's anniversary. The anticipation was killing Dani she couldn't sleep anymore and decided to go work out. She got changed then kissed Yelena's head before leaving the room. Chevy and Diesel took her spot and cuddle up once more. Dani grabs a water bottle and made some peanut butter toast before heading to the training room. She passes Steve in the hallway she waves at him as he has a bewildered look on his face.

"Morning Dani." He says as she passes while he walks to the kitchen for coffee and his newspaper. 

Dani continues to the training room she puts her headphones on as she starts her warm up with some cardio. After that she tosses her sweat soaked hoodie off to the side then sips on some water. Then she starts her ab workouts followed by some pull ups. Once those were finished she moves on to bench pressing she ends up hitting a new PR. With a satisfied grin she wracks all the weights and starts to stretch. Feeling the hunger hit her stomach like a ton of bricks she walks to the kitchen and makes four breakfast burritos two for her and two for Yelena. She grabs the bottle of hot sauce and pours two cups of coffee  before carrying the tray upstairs. When she opens the door she smiles at the image of Yelena who's got one arm wrapped around Diesel and the other wrapped around Chevy as she snores lightly. Dani sets the tray on the dresser before taking a picture of her sleepy little family. She sets her phone on the dresser before waking Yelena up.

"Hey. Babe I made you some food. Babe. Babe. Wake up or I'm going to eat all your food. And I'm starving." Dani says shaking Yelena a little bit.

Yelena furrows her brow with her eyes still closed and whines. "Nooo! You can't eat my food that's not fair." 

"I mean, I totally can. Cause I did make them so technically they're mine. I'm just being nice and sharing with you. So wake up sleeping beauty. Or they're gone!" Dani says jokingly.

"I'm up. I'm up. Please don't eat my food." Yelena pleads. 

"I'm not going to I promise. I even brought the hot sauce up for you babe." Dani smiles handing the plate to her with the hot sauce bottle.

"Yay! Thank you! Why are you up so early?" Yelena asks while dousing her burritos.

"You're welcome love. I couldn't sleep anymore I'm way too excited and nervous for the party tonight. So I went to work out trying to burn some of this nervous energy off. That's also why I'm sitting at the edge of the bed so I don't ruin your breakfast with my BO." Dani laughs while finishing her burritos. 

"Everything will be fine. Trust me. You could've woken me up I would've suggested something else instead of working out." Yelena says while raising an eyebrow. 

"That would've been fun but I wanted you to sleep in. Then I wouldn't have gotten this really cute picture of you and the puppers sleeping together. It's now my favorite picture." Dani smiles sweetly as she shows Yelena the picture.

"Awe. You have a lot of favorite pictures babe." Yelena says while she crawls over and gives Dani a kiss.

"I can't help it you're just so cute! I'm gonna hop in the shower while you finish the rest of your breakfast." Dani smiles as she walks into the bathroom leaving the door cracked.

Yelena finished her burritos and sipped some of her coffee before she decides to join Dani in the shower. She slips off her oversized shirt and underwear before entering the shower. She wraps her arms around Dani's stomach while she hugs her from behind and places little kisses along her back. Dani smiles while she spins around in Yelena's arms so she can rinse the conditioner from her hair. She moves to the side to let Yelena under the warm water. Then she grabs the clean wash cloth gets it wet and pours some body wash on it. She lathers it up as she washes every inch of Yelena's body. Yelena smiles as she pulls Dani in close for a hug. They hold each other tight for a while letting the water beat down on them before they decide to get out. It's still early so they climb back into bed and lay back down for a nap.

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