Matching Outfits, Ford Edsels,Nutcracker,Spiked Hot Chocolate Gingerbread houses

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"So it's not much but I got you a red plaid blazer, a black turtle neck and some black fitted dress pants. As for me, I bought a black turtle neck sweater and a red plaid skirt so we could match." Yelena says while pulling the clothes out of their bags.

"Awesome babe I love it! We're gonna look so good in our matching outfits." Dani says as she begins to try everything on.

Once they both have the new outfits on they check themselves out in the mirror.

"Hopefully this week will fly by! I was thinking we'd grab dinner before the show. What do you think?" Dani asks as she starts to change into some sweatpants and her camo pullover.

"I'd love that! There's a new steakhouse that I want to try, want me to book a reservation?" Yelena says gleefully.

"You know I'm always down for a steak babe. That's fine with me lets hang these up so they don't get wrinkled." Dani says while hanging the clothes up in their closet.

They head back downstairs and join Nat, Wanda, Kate, Tony, Pepper, and Morgan in the living room they're watching the movie 'Elf'. Yelena and Dani sit next to Morgan who's hogging all the blankets in the living room.

"Hey, Mo you think you could share one of those fuzzy blankets with Yelena and I?" Dani asks as she pulls out the puppy dog eyes.

"No! I'm the queen of the blankets! Get your own!" Morgan says wrapping up tighter in the mountain of fuzz.

"Oh, come on please Mo? If you don't I'll quote this entire movie line for line! Trust me this was mine and my sisters favorite movies during Christmas." Dani says with a smirk holding out her hand for a blanket.

"Oh God No! Please don't, Dani I beg you. Morgan give her a blanket please." Tony says with pleading eyes.

"I assume she's done this before?" Yelena asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh yeah she has a bunch of times." Nat and Wanda chuckle.

"She did it the night before you guys came home with the 'Grinch' I've got it on video!" Kate says tossing her phone over to Yelena.

"Oh my God! heh. Wanda tossed you like a ragdoll! And that squeal/scream you did? What the hell was that?" Yelena says while playing the video over a few times only laughing harder with each replay.

"Yeah, well it caught me off guard I thought Wands was just going to push me and not lift me off the ground." Dani says slightly embarrassed and tossing Kate her phone back.

"I wanna see the video. Let me see! Please? Let me see?" Morgan begs as she walks over to Kate.

"Only if you share your blankets with everyone. Do we have a deal?" Kate smirks.

"Fiinnnee! Here!" Morgan whines as she tosses everyone a blanket.

"Thank you Mo." The group says in unions.

"Good job Morgan, Santa definitely took note of that you're for sure gonna get some extra presents." Kate says as she show Morgan the video. Morgan giggles wildly before she snuggles in with Kate.

They ordered some take out for everyone in the compound as they continued their Christmas movie marathon. Everyone was having fun laughing and sharing their favorite Christmas memories as kids. Dani would watch Nat and Yelena smile then look down trying to hide the hurt they had felt not being able to experience the same kind of feelings when they were children.

Dani squeezed Yelena in a tight side hug and whispered in her ear, "I'm so glad I get the chance to share some of these experiences that you've missed out on when you were younger. I hope I've done a good job so far. I'm excited to share some of my family's traditions with you too, while also making new ones to pass down for if and when we decide to have kids."

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