Preparing for Tony and Pepper's anniversary

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At last the '57 is all done and showroom shined up. Dani calls Tony to check out her work she even put a big ole bow on the hood of the car too. Tony's jaw drops as he looks over the car's sleek design touches.

"Wow! You did an amazing job! You finished just in time too! Our anniversary is in two days I can't wait to see Pepper's reaction. We're also throwing a party to celebrate so be ready!" Tony says excitedly while he sits in the driver's seat of the car.

"Thank you Tony. It was a fun project to build! Did you see the little mini arc reactor I made? I cut it out by hand with some stainless steel and polished it up. What do you think?" Dani says with a huge grin.

"What? You did that by hand?! Your lines are so straight and clean! It's fantastic!." Tony says as he admires the little emblem.

"Yeah I did. I've got some steady hands Tony I've been practicing for a few years now. I hope Pepper will love it as much as I do." Dani says slightly nervous.

"She'll love it kid don't worry so much. I can't wait to take it for a spin. The party will be formal. So I'm giving you a heads up since I know you're not a huge fan of dressing up. It'll give you some time to shop." Tony says as he pats Dani on the shoulder.

"I'm trying not to. Thanks for the warning Tony. Looks a shopping spree is imminent." Dani says less enthused.

"Don't be such a 'Debbie downer' you look great every time you dress up. Just make sure you don't wear anything to show me up." Tony jokes.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Me? Show you up on your anniversary? I could never." Dani laughs.

With that Dani and Tony go their separate ways. Dani goes to the training room where Nat, Wanda, and Yelena are all working out. She pauses the music as she walks in.

"Hey! We were listening to that!" They yell before turning around.

"Sorry I needed to get your attention. Tony told me that the anniversary is going to be formal so that means I need to go shopping do y'all want to go with me?" Dani asks as she sits on the bench.

"Yes! We want to go!" They all squeal.

"Ok well go get your stinky asses showered up and we'll go." Dani claps her hands together.

Nat and Wanda roll their eyes as they walk out. Yelena walks over and puts Dani in a headlock as she rubs her wet armpits over Dani's head.

"Ew! Lena what the hell!" Dani yells while trying to wiggle out of her grip.

"You don't like the smell of BO?" Yelena chuckles before she releases Dani.

"I'm gonna need a shower now too." Dani complains.

"That was the whole point." Yelena says with a smirk.

"Oh really? You could've just asked me to join you like a normal person." Dani laughs.

"Where's the fun in that? Besides it was funny to watch you struggle to get out of my grip." Yelena smiles before kissing Dani.

"Last one upstairs is a rotten egg!" Dani yells while she pushes Yelena off to the side as she starts to run away.

Yelena throws her hands up before running after her. They make it to the bedroom within seconds of each other. Dani enters first into the room as Yelena shuts and locks the door. Yelena walks over to Dani they begin to pull each others clothes off throwing them all over the room. Dani picks Yelena up kissing her lips while she carries her into the bathroom.

"Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y. play my country playlist please." Dani asks.

"On it Dani." F.R.I.D.A.Y. replies as the music begins playing in the bathroom.

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