When Two Families Meet

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(I chose this song cause Dani's running late and I thought it was funny 😂)

The next morning Dani's phone begins to ring waking her up, "Oh, fuck. I'm late! Shit! Shit! Shit!" She whisper yells as she scrounges up a hoodie and slips some decently clean sweatpants on as she heads out her bedroom down to her truck.

She calls her dad back, "Sorry dad, I'll be there in a few. I got kinda tipsy last night and forgot to set an alarm."

"You sound like me! Ok, we'll be here waiting take your time and be careful please." Charles says.

Dani makes it to the airport in twenty minutes she helps her gram into the front seat before throwing the bags in the bed of her truck and rolling the tonneau cover down. Dani's aunts climb up into the truck followed by Charles.

"Sorry dad you're gonna have to sit in the middle with me and gram." Dani laughs.

"Yeah, well just watch where you're shifting and we shouldn't have a problem. Nice truck by the way." Charles laughs.

"I will. I promise, let me take you to the hotel then we can grab some food and head out to the compound." Dani says hopping in.

Once at the compound Charles, Dani's aunts and gram all gasp at the sight of the building.

"I know, I did the same thing when I first got here. At least you know I'm safe living here, I can't wait to show you my setup in the garage dad." Dani smiles as she hits the button on the garage door opener.

"Wow! This is so official and high tech! It's way better than that dinky shop you were working in before." Dani's family says in awe.

"Yeah that's for sure. I still have my old Chevy here and been catching up on the little nitpicky things. I've even built some politicians, movie stars and million/billionaires their own cars too. I've been doing great here." Dani says showing her family around.

After the tour of the garage Dani has coffee for herself, Nat, Wanda, and Yelena in her hand. As she takes her family upstairs she greet by all three women.

"Hey babe, I was wondering where you went this morning." Yelena says with a smile.

Before Dani can say anything she's pushed out of the way by her gram and aunts. They walk over and swoon over Yelena. Nat, Wanda and Dani share a surprised look with each other as Charles is distracted by the huge Christmas tree.

"Well I guess I'm chopped liver now. But dad this is Natasha and Wanda two of my best friends. Nat is Yelena's older sister and Wanda is her girlfriend." Dani smiles as she introduces them.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you both." Charles says shaking their hands.

"It's nice to meet you too Charles, Dani has told us a lot about you. You can call me Nat if you'd like." Nat says with a grin.

"Yes she has, it's a pleasure to meet you too." Wanda's nose scrunches as she smiles.

Yelena, Dani's aunts, and gram have vanished without a trace.

"Well they disappeared, I guess. I got y'all some coffee too." Dani says handing Wanda and Nat their cups. "I guess we can give you the tour of the living quarters we'll meet up with the rest of them later."

"Yeah sure, I don't mind this place is huge!" Charles exclaims.

"Yeah, Dani got lost a few times when she first moved in." Nat smirks.

"I bet, she gets her sense of direction from me. I can get lost with a damn GPS and I don't know how it happens." Charles laughs.

They all laugh as they begin their tour they run into Steve, Bucky, and Sam in the hallway up to the bedrooms. They have a quick little chat and then continue on to Dani's room then they go to the training room where they've caught up with Yelena.

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