Alone Time

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The next morning Dani wakes up to a knock on the door,

"Hmm.. Yeah.. come in."

"Morning sleepy head. It's noon! Nat left a sticky note on my forehead that said everyone is out on a recon mission. They'll be back in a few days." Yelena says while standing in the doorway.

"Oh shit! Really?! Hehe that's awesome. Oh I guess you're stuck with me for a few days. " Dani says sitting up in bed.

"I guess you're right. So.. what are your plans for today?" Yelena asks while she pets Chevy behind the ears.

"Well I was going to go tinker with the '57 for a bit if you want to tag along. We'll see how far I get my thumb is still sore." Dani says.

"Yeah sure that sounds interesting. I'm going to head down stairs and grab something to eat." Yelena says as she starts to walk out to the hallway.

"Ok let me get changed and I'll meet you in the kitchen." Dani says while closing her door so she can get dressed.

Dani heads to the kitchen an starts make a pot of coffee,

"Hey I'm making some coffee right now, then I'm going to make some breakfast burritos with bacon, eggs, and cheese. If you want one."

"I'll take a cup. If you don't mind I'll take a burrito too. Do you want any help since your thumb is still busted up?" Yelena asks leaning over the counter watching Dani pull the pans out.

"Nah. I got it go sit and enjoy your coffee. It won't take long." Dani says while pulling the ingredients out.

Dani sets both plates on the table one in front of Yelena and the other in front of  herself,

"Here you go! Damn I forgot the hot sauce. I'll be right back."

"Oh.. I love hot sauce! Can you bring the bottle over to the table please?" Yelena asks.

Dani sits back down at the table takes a bite then pours some hot sauce into her burrito. She slides the bottle over to Yelena and watches her douse the burrito.

"You weren't kidding when you said you loved hot sauce!"  

Once they finished their burritos they head down to the garage where Dani starts her routine of unlocking all the toolbox drawers then hooking her phone up and starts playing  music. She does a little jig as she walks over to the '57 making Yelena laugh.

"What's so funny Belova? These moves are legendary just ask your sister or Wanda! The last party we had I was the one who got every one out on the floor!" Dani says extending her hand out for Yelena to take.

"Oh.. uh.. no.. I'm not a dancer." Yelena says waving her hands. 

"Oh c'mon! no one else is around it'll be fun just roll with the music!" Dani says excitedly pulling Yelena in by the hand while they dance to 'Rubberband Man by The Spinners'.

"Ok.. ok this is pretty fun. I've never heard of this song before." Yelena says laughing and dancing without a care.

"See I told you! What a minute are you serious?" Dani pauses mid dance. "One of these days I going to have you sit down and listen to all of my oldies playlists! We'll make a whole day of it and you'll even get your own music history class with yours truly!" Dani says smugly.

"Well you don't have much free time when your mind is being controlled by someone else. But yeah sure I'm down." Yelena says trying to brush off the bad memories of the Red Room.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget that you were in that situation I hope I didn't offend you." Dani frowns. "But how about we start with some music education right now?" Dani says as she puts her hands on Yelena's shoulders with a smile.

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