Vacation is Over

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It's the last day of Dani and Yelena's vacation they pack all their things up making sure they don't forget anything. Then they both flop on the bed to cuddle and hang out for a bit.

"Hey do you feel like doing anything today or do you just want to hang around the house?" Dani asks while rubbing Yelena's back.

"I don't care babe it's up to you but this is nice just laying her with you." Yelena smiles looking up into Dani's eyes.

"Then how about we stay here for a bit then we can go see my gram one last time so I can say goodbye." Dani asks before she kisses Yelena's forehead.  

Yelena smirks before nuzzling in closer to Dani they end up napping for a few hours. Once they wake up they change clothes then grab some food and drive over to Dani's gram's house. They spend a few hours there talking over coffee and watching shows together. Then it was time for them to leave Dani enfolds her gram in a hug she has a little tear run down her face.

"I love you gram. I'll call you when we get home I promise. Be careful and take care of yourself ok?" Dani says with a sniffle while wiping the tears from her face.

"I love you too Dani. I'm so happy you got to come visit next time don't wait so long, and don't forget to bring your wonderful girlfriend Yelena. I'll be waiting for that call, you know I'm always careful." Gram says while she exits Dani's hug.

 "You take good care of my granddaughter and yourself as well. It was a pleasure to meet you and I can't wait for many more poker games." Gram says while she hugs Yelena and chuckles. 

"I will, I promise gram. I can't wait! Maybe one day we'll take over Vegas!" Yelena laughs.

"Will you tell the aunties that I love them too. When you see them next? I'm going to check to see if dad is home. I want to spend a little more time with him before we go." Dani says while hugging her gram one more time. 

"Of course I will now be safe driving home." Gram says walking both women to the door.

They wave one last time before pulling away from the curb. They get to the house and Charles has cooked a big dinner for them. Dani smiles as she washes her hands and begins to set the table. Charles sets the big roast down in the center of the table and calls Joey down from his room. They all pass the plates around grabbing what they wanted and start to eat. They laugh and enjoy each others company while stuffing themselves.

"Ugh, I'm so full! Thank you dad that was great." Dani says with a smile while she takes everyone's empty plates to the kitchen.

"You're welcome. You know me I love to cook when I have time this is probably one of the best roasts I've made in a while." Charles beams with pride as he sips his beer.

"Now I see where Dani gets her love of cooking from. It was fantastic, thank you Charles." Yelena smiles.

"Well she learned from the best!" Charles laughs.

Dani comes in from the kitchen and rolls her eyes, "Now you know you've copied my recipes. So technically he learned it from me. Ain't that right old man?" 

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Charles tries to hide his smirk taking another swig of beer. 

"Whatever you say. How about we all play a game or something? I think I still have that old Monopoly game from my 8th birthday upstairs." Dani says.

"Yeah sure, why not? We don't have anything else to do. Go ahead and grab it." Charles says while clearing the rest of the table off with Joey and Yelena.

They set the game up and explain the rules to Yelena. 

"You're going to love this Dani gets so competitive especially when Joey is the banker. She still won't let go of the time when he was eight. He gave her the wrong change and said he was cheating." Charles leans over to whisper to Yelena. 

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