Debrief and going Rambo on their ass

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Once everyone is in the tent Nat begins to go over what they've witnessed.

"On our way out, there were these huge trucks rolling towards the warehouse with what, we don't know. Kate has taken some pictures of what they were loading into them this morning." Nat says pulling the pictures up on the screen. "During mine and Yelena's watch they lit up the open space between buildings with massive flood lights. Dani, this is going to be kind of hard to hear. Just prepare yourself, ok?"

Dani shakes her head not letting any emotions escape and she feels Yelena grab her hand tight.

"Once our eyes adjusted to the light there was someone in the center of the ring that we believe to be Joey. They had him fighting a bunch of men bigger than him, and for a while he wasn't doing so well. After a few minutes though, it was like a switch flipped and he began to fight, well, like Yelena and I. And we know that Joey has no prior experience in hand to hand combat not even karate as a kid. Yelena and I believe they're testing out a new version of mind control. We also spotted one of the widows we previously freed Arina Volkov she was formerly working for Yuri before we got to her. We think that she's under mind control once again." Nat says as she watches Dani's face go ghostly white.

"Well, looks like we're going to have to play this carefully, seeing as though we've got mind control on the table once again and no antidote with us. Can one of you contact Melina so Tony can start to synthesize an antidote just as a back up plan." Maria asks.

"I'm on it." Yelena says looking up at Dani before leaving to go call Melina on the satellite phone.

"What can I do? What do you need me to do?" Dani asks eagerly.

"For now I need you to stay put. Let us handle this ok?" Maria says going through the scans of the warehouse one more time.

"Let you handle it? Your whole organization let my little brother down, and now he's been tested on like some fucking lab rat! And you want me to do nothing? Un-fucking real." Dani yells as she storms out of the tent.

"Dani, wait!" Maria yells.

"Just let her cool off Maria, we'll go check on her in a minute." Nat and Wanda say reassuringly. But Kate has a sinking feeling in her stomach so she leaves the tent too.

As Dani storms away she mumbles to herself repeating, "Just stay put, just stay put. Kiss my fucking ass." Her repeating those three words only made her angrier.

She grabs her pack and snatches Yelena's rifle from their tent. She starts to leave the camp quietly. She sneaks out unnoticed still fuming with rage. She hadn't noticed how close she was to the warehouse. She picks a tree and starts her climb to the top. Once she sets up she uses the binoculars to scan for the man who kidnapped her brother. The one who she'd love to beat senseless until all of her rage and guilt disappeared.

Yelena comes back to the tent with Melina on the other end of the phone as she hands it over to Tony, "She's saying all this science-y stuff and I have no clue what she's saying. So it's better if you just talk to her."

Tony laughs as he takes the phone, "Hey Melina, how you doing?"

Nat, Wanda, and Yelena exit the tent to let them do their thing. They walk over to get some food when Nat and Wanda mention Dani storming off.

"What? Did you see where she went?" Yelena asks worried.

"No, we figured she went to find you." Wanda says with panic slipping into her mind.

"I'm sure she just went for a walk down by the river to cool off." Nat says taking a bowl of food from the table.

"Ok, but where's Kate? She was with you guys before I left to call Melina." Yelena asks looking around.

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