Bonding over Mac and Cheese

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"So what we need is some butter, flour, milk, cheese and spices." Dani says pulling out a pot to boil the noodles in and a skillet to make the base for the cheese sauce.

"Ok, I'll grab that! This is going to be great." Yelena says as she digs through all the cabinets and the pantry.

"Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you please play Motown's Greatest hits?" Dani asks.

"You got it.. the first song is 'My Girl by The Temptations.' " F.R.I.D.A.Y says.

"I love this song! Watch this!" Dani says as she holds a wooden spoon up to her mouth and starts to sing and do the groups dance to the song.

"Nice moves you got there. You really seem to like this group." Yelena laughs.

"You know I do and how can you resist this song? Come dance with me while we wait for the rue to thicken up." Dani says as she pulls Yelena into a slow dance.

They dance for a bit while Dani twirls Yelena around the kitchen she pulls her a little closer and says, "I've always wanted to dance around with someone in the kitchen while making dinner together. Sounds cheesy but I love those kind of things."

"I don't think it's cheesy it's actually really sweet. I'm having fun. I've never really had the chance to have fun and dance like this. So thank you. I still think you're a big softy though." Yelena smiles as she looks up into Dani's eyes.

"You're very welcome. Yeah, yeah I only show my soft side to those I care about so consider yourself lucky." Dani says playfully as she sticks her tongue out.

Yelena rolls her eyes, "You're such a smartass. I don't know how my sister puts up with you."

"Cause she loves me like a sister and she has beat my ass a few times so I know where the line is. I try not to cross it but sometimes it's too fun. Are you going to help me finish this mac and cheese so we can eat?" Dani says pointing at the stove while adding the seasonings in and then starts to add the cheese.

"Oh! Add some cayenne to it and maybe some chili powder too! Remember I love spicy foods." Yelena says handing the spices over to Dani.

After they combine the pasta with their cheese sauce they throw in the oven until the top layer of cheese is golden brown.

"Hey Lena can you grab it out of the oven please it's kinda hard to do with one hand." Dani asks.

"Yeah sure I got it. Ooo it looks amazing! I can't wait to eat! Grab some plates and I'll serve it." Yelena says as she places the mac and cheese on top of the stove.

"Wait!! Don't scoop any out yet! Take a picture and send it to Nat show her it's the first meal you've learned to cook on your own! It turned out great. You did a really good job." Dani cheers.

"Should I? I don't want to bother her while she's working. Thank you, but you helped too." Yelena says looking at her phone. She decides to send Nat the picture with a text.


Look what Dani showed me how to make!

Look what Dani showed me how to make!

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