Island Extraction

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They begin their decent down the stairs when they hear someone speaking Russian as it echoes up the stairwell. Yelena and Dani pause with their hearts beating out of their chests.

Yelena listens closely, "Fuck. We've gotta go now babe. Head up another flight they're sweeping the lower floors."

Dani's eyes widen and she freezes realizing this has just gotten very real.

Yelena cups Dani's face, "It's ok, just breathe I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I promise but we've got to keep moving now."

Dani takes a deep breath as she persuades her feet to move they make it to the roof of the hotel. Yelena opens the door slowly she spots one of Yuri's goons. She sneaks up behind him and takes him out. She grabs his gun and earpiece.

She scrunches her nose, "Ew. Someone needs to clean their ears." She pulls out a sanitary wipe to clean it off as she looks around and spots a downpipe.

Yelena stands up while putting the ear piece in, "How are your climbing skills babe?"

"Uh.. ok I guess?" Dani says nervously.

"Cause that pipe is the only way down without having to battle in the stairway." Yelena says pointing over to the pipe.

"Great, I hate heights." Dani says unenthusiastically.

"Well this will be a good way to get over that fear." Yelena says grabbing Dani's hand as they walk to the edge of the building.

Yelena climbs down first as she talks Dani through their long descent to the ground, "Just focus on where your hands are and go slow we're almost at the bottom."

"Yep got it, my arms are on fire but I'll manage." Dani says sarcastically.

Yelena gets to the ground first she looks around before helping Dani dismount. They start to walk towards the main street when a voice comes over the earpiece. A few more goons are outside roving the perimeter of the hotel.

Yelena spots one rounding the corner, she turns to Dani pushing her against the wall as she kisses her lips. Dani's hands instinctively grab Yelena's ass while she deepens their kiss. The goon raises his eyebrow but continues moving away from the two. Yelena peaks over in the direction to make sure the goon is gone before breaking the kiss.

"Hmm, that was nice." Dani says swooned. "Even though it was to make sure the goon squad didn't spot us. I'll take what I can get."

Yelena rolls her eyes and laughs, "You're such a dork. We need to keep moving though."

They take off down the street and Yelena throws the tracker in to the back of a garbage truck as they pass by.

"We're going to have to take a taxi to catch the ferry over to St. Croix they allow private charters out of their airport." Yelena says as she tries to flag a taxi down.

They jump in and are off to the ferry both of them are still on edge looking out the windows as they're stuck in traffic. Then a black SUV pulls super close to them, Yelena slowly reaches for the stolen gun and places it on her leg waiting to see what happens next. The taxi begins to move once again and she releases the breath she was holding. She looks over at Dani as her face has a blank expression painted across it. She reaches over to grab Dani's hand. Dani looks over smiles briefly before looking out the window again.

They make it to the ferry ticket counter to buy their tickets to a couple different islands in cash. Then they find a place to hang out before the ferry boards.

"Fuck." Dani exhales as she plops down on one of the benches.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Yelena smiles. "You're holding up fairly well for this being the first time you've ever been hunted by someone."

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