Not being able to look at him any longer, Maya turned around and made her way out of his office room. A sob escaping her lips as she walked towards her room. Her steps halted as two pair of feets greeted her vision, on looking up her eyes met with worry filled eyes of Martha and Gabrielle. It was as if some bridge had been broken down, because she then ran towards them and almost fell in their arms while crying on their shoulders like a baby.

Both of them exchanged worried looks with each other on seeing Maya like that. It was for the first time Maya had cried like that in front of them. They didn't know why she was crying now that everything was settled. Dino and Hektor were gone and she had found her mother as well. So what could've been so serious that made her cry like that. They would definitely find out soon.


"You don't have to leave. You can still live here." Everyone except Massimo was there with Maya in the living room. She had called everyone, telling them about her departure.

"Yes, you don't have to go. He just let you free meaning you can now go wherever you want without having to worry about anything." All of them were trying to reason out with her. None of them wanted Maya to leave except for her mother Sophia. She had no problem with Maya leaving as she had wanted her to live her life the way she wanted. Also, she had always wanted Maya to stay away from the dangerous world of mafia, so she was happy Maya had decided to return to America.

"This was meant to happen and you all know that." Maya said, happy that atleast they wanted her to stay but unfortunately it wasn't enough.

"I've my entire life back in America. I can't abandon that forever." She tried to reason out. "If not today then tomorrow, but one day I'll have to go back."

"I don't understand. How is Massimo okay with you leaving?" It was Enzo. "I thought he was just kidding when he asked me to prepare for you and your mother to leave for America."

"Let's talk to him and see what's going on." Gabrielle said, Martha agreeing with her.

"We've already talk this over and it's what I wanted too." Maya exclaimed. "I mean you all know how I ended up here and ever since I've been waiting to go back."

"But it's just so sudden. We thought now that everything is settled oppa and you would take your relationship to some next level." On hearing Hana saying that Maya wanted to laugh, not a funny but a pathetic one.

They all had no idea how there was nothing left between her and Massimo. Not that there had been anything at all to begin with. Well, it had been but only one-sided.

"Like I said we've discussed everything." She didn't want to burst their bubble, so instead of telling them the reality of her and Massimo's relationship, she decided to play along. They would find out soon eventually.


"I'm happy that you want me to come live with you." Sophia said while looking at her daughter.

"I promised you that I'd keep in touch with you and get to know more about you and uh my father." Maya simply replied.

Well, she didn't lie she really wanted to know more about her parents and since her mother had no one to look after her, so Maya decided it would be better if Sophia came to live with her. They had many years to cover anyway and with everything lately Maya wouldn't mind having her mother by her side.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ