Chapter 95

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The TV lights up as the call is connected, reflecting the image of Caleb, Cole, Maverick, and King sitting at the table. Almost immediately, a second image quickly joins the screen as the humans enter the call. Only three humans are visible on the camera, but I'm sure several more are sitting just outside the lens like I am.

I recognize the man sitting at the center of the table as the human president, Anthony Moore. He looks good, healthier than usual. His gray hair is immaculately cut and styled, unsurprising, and I wonder if he's wearing makeup to give his skin more color, too.

Humans are vain, and he won't want to look physically frail in front of the wolves.

There are several human presidents, but Anthony's the elected ruler of the lands directly below the wolves. It used to be called the USA, but they changed their name once the wolves took over what was once Canada, causing those humans to flee south and the two countries to integrate.

Anthony stares directly into the camera with a solemn expression, and I chew at my bottom lip as I shift my gaze to the people sitting on either side of him. To the left is a poised, dark-haired woman I've never seen before, and to his right is another older man who looks vaguely familiar.

I think he leads the human military.

"Alpha Caleb." Anthony is the first to speak. "We appreciate you making time to speak with us at such short notice."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I'm sure the humans gave themselves plenty of time to prepare for this call. They probably even had a meeting before this one, exclusively discussing the perfect time to tell the wolves they wanted to have a call this morning.

Nothing is ever as straightforward as it seems.

Caleb licks his lips and leans back in his chair.

"I assume you're looking to discuss the dismantling of HPAW," he says, cutting straight to the point.

Chunks babbles, a quiet stream of baby noises pouring from his throat as he finishes the last bits of his carrot treat. I shift, preparing to stand and take him out of the room so he isn't heard on the call, but Adam smoothly spins and pulls him from my arms before I get the opportunity.

"I can hear from the kitchen," he whispers in my ear.

He carries Chunks out of the room just as Anthony begins to speak.

"Yes, well..." Anthony starts. He looks slightly nervous, not that I blame him. The wolves aren't exactly known for their political grace, and this conversation probably isn't following the unspoken rules and formalities they're used to.

Anthony gestures to the man on his right. "This is my Chief of Sta—"

"Are you prepared to speak on the dismantling of HPAW or not?" Caleb interrupts. "We've made our position on the matter abundantly clear, and we aren't looking to waste our time if that's not what you're here to discuss."

Anthony does a moderately good job hiding his reaction, but the man and woman on either side of him aren't as successful. Their jaws drop, and they cut sideways glances at Anthony before regaining their composure and turning back to the camera.

It's probably not often they're spoken to like this.

Anthony works his jaw side to side before responding.

"Yes, that's what we're here to discuss," he admits.

My heart pounds, but I'm sure it's not the only one in the room doing so.

"If the wolves are willing to cease their attacks and formally establish and respect the borders between our lands, we're willing to issue an urgent order to shut down HPAW," Anthony says.

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