Chapter 77

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Caleb smooths his hands down my thighs as I provide and confirm the locations of the HPAW facilities, and he presses kisses to the back of my head as I do my best to describe the layouts of each one. I spent most of my time in the one closest to the border, where Adam and I were taken, and I wasn't exactly given a visitor's tour the few times I was taken to the others.

"I believe it's five stories," I say, gesturing to the one furthest south. "But I was only brought to the second floor for meetings and testing."

It's the facility Caleb is yet to get any wolves into, and unfortunately, I've only ever been there twice. It was almost a twenty-hour drive each time, and all I can really remember was how stifling and humid the air was. I suppose that's to be expected in Florida, though.

"Do you think marked humans are kept in this facility, too?" I ask.

Caleb rests his chin on my shoulder.

"It's so far from the human borders, and given the estimates you have on the other three locations, the number seems to dwindle the further the facility is from the wolf lands," I continue.

It makes sense. HPAW probably wants to keep us primed and ready to be released to the wolves, and that's easiest to do in the facilities closest to the borders. The only reason I can think that HPAW would want to move the marked females away would be if they were anticipating an attack from Caleb, but if they think he's dead and the wolves are in shambles trying to maintain their hierarchy, I doubt they'd go through the effort.

HPAW's funds come from the government, and any unnecessary spending is scrutinized.

"I assume there are marked humans being kept in every facility, but I doubt there are many in this particular one," Caleb admits. "My wolves inside HPAW have confirmed they haven't heard any information or whispers about humans inside the Florida location, but I'm finding it suspicious just how quiet it is."

"HPAW tends to keep the information and data shared between the facilities on a need-to-know basis, but it's been impossible to get anything on Florida," he continues. "It's concerning, and I fear there's something HPAW is hiding."

I can't imagine what it could be.

"So, what do—"

"The Alphas are here," Caleb says, interrupting.

I quiet, immediately on edge as he gently nudges me off his lap. I hurry to my feet before following him to the front door, praying nobody can sense my fear. HPAW did a good job teaching me how to hide the most prevalent outward signs of anxiety, but I can't precisely control my racing pulse.

Still, I practice what HPAW taught me and force my expression flat.

Caleb pulls open the front door to reveal two practically naked men and a wolf. They must have run here, and I feel my cheeks warm as Caleb possessively steps in front of the door to block my view. I have little interest in seeing anybody but Caleb without clothes on, and my lips twitch as I stand politely behind Caleb and wait for the men to dress.

There's some shuffling before Caleb moves to the side, opening up just enough space for me to see. The two men who were already in their skin form are mostly dressed now, and the wolf is gone, now replaced with a large, hulking man.

I assume King, given the tattoos covering his arms, torso, and legs. He gives Caleb a quick nod as he pulls up and buttons his pants. His eyes then flicker to me, his gaze intense as he tugs on a long sleeve shirt.

He shows no emotion, not exactly the most soothing, and I force a smile onto my lips until his eyes dart back to Caleb.

"Alpha," he says, holding out an arm.

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