Chapter 36

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My teeth clatter as I hold my key fob to the scanner on my apartment building's front door. Today's been a good day, and I'm ready to curl up on my couch with a glass of wine. I can't remember the last time I felt this truly happy.

Even on my best days with Caleb, there was always this undercurrent of pain and anxiety caused by my secret affiliation with HPAW. Every good moment was overshadowed by the knowledge of what I had to do, but now that the secret is out, I no longer feel that crushing weight.

I feel free.

The door unlocks with a loud buzz, and I pull lit open and make my way to my mailbox just before the staircase. I'm sure it'll be empty, it always is, but I still check. Someday I'll have mail, and I'm looking forward to it.

Even if it's nothing more than spam.

I'm pretty sure Caleb was on every mailing list known to man, but I loved getting it from the mailbox every morning and sorting through it. It provided a sense of normalcy and permanence to my life.

Two things I'd never had before.

I unlock and pull open my mailbox, but it's empty. I'll give the bank my address when I go in tomorrow, and I'm sure they'll send me a few things.

Sighing, I turn and begin climbing the stairs to my apartment. They look like they've recently been cleaned, the build-up salt brought in from the icy sidewalks finally removed. I'm glad, and for once, my shoes don't crackle against the stairs as I make my way up them.

Has Caleb had anything to do with this? This may be his way of showing he cares. I scoff and shake my head. No. I'm reading into things.

Our bond is working in overdrive, and it's got me looking for any excuse to forgive him and reach out. There's a dull ache in my chest I only ever feel when we're fighting, and it's impossible to ignore.

Caleb is impossible to ignore. I can't stop thinking about him, even when I know I shouldn't.

I'm angry, and I fully intend to remain strong.

I received another message while driving home, but I refuse to check it. I haven't looked at any of his messages since we got into our argument. I can't bring myself to do it, and it's not like I don't already know what they'll say.

Caleb's predictable in his apologies. We made a deal, one I worked my fucking ass off to honor, and he can't do the bare minimum and tell his people he's not looking for a wife.

He doesn't even have to mention me.

I only want him to say he needs some time for himself. It's not an unreasonable request, and I'm sure his people would understand. Everybody knows I tried to kill him, and I genuinely doubt they'd be surprised if he said he isn't in a rush to find somebody new.

I know he knows that, too. It's bullshit, and I'm pissed.

My anger grows as I round the final corner of my apartment staircase and see the man in question sitting on the floor in front of my door. I slow, unsure what to say, and linger at the top of the stairs.

What's he doing here? I've been ignoring his messages for a reason. If I wanted to speak to him, I'd have reached out.

"Hey," Caleb says, standing.

He wipes his hands on his pants, and I clutch my keys in my fist as he steps to the side so I can enter my apartment.

I don't move. Is he hoping I'll invite him in? He can't just show up at my place and expect me to pretend everything is okay.

"What're you doing here?" I ask. "Your date didn't go as planned?" My question is full of spite, and I regret it the moment the words slip from my lips.

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