Chapter 19

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Caleb isn't sneaky in his glances, but I find I don't mind.

I like when he looks at me.

Besides, it's not like I don't do the same thing to him. I take every opportunity I have to watch him.

I readjust the pillow I lean against before shoving my toes further under Caleb's legs. He's wearing a pair of dangerously short exercise shorts tonight, and I'm taking full advantage of the exposed thighs.

They're warm and act as the perfect weighted blanket for my feet.

"Can I have a bite?" Caleb asks, eyeing my lava cake.

And here I was, thinking he was looking at me. Caleb licks his lips, and I resist the urge to laugh as I cut a piece of my cake and hold it out for him. He moves slowly so it doesn't drop on the couch and moans dramatically as he closes his lips around my fork.

He ate his piece within seconds, the man not understanding the concept of savoring his desserts. He's lucky I don't mind sharing with him.

It's the least I can do.

Caleb's throat bobs as he swallows, his eyes bright with mischief as he returns to his position at the end of the couch. For a wolf who spends his free time murdering humans, he sure enjoys watching our sports.

The announcer on the television drones on about the most recent play, something about the quarterback being sacked, but I'm not paying it any attention. I don't care much for sports, especially American football.

I bite the inside of my cheek to avoid laughing as Caleb leans forward and wrings his hands together. He looks nervous. It's a close game, and I'm not eager to see his sad pout when his team loses. The game aired hours ago, but Caleb was busy and recorded it to watch later.

I looked up the final score the moment it ended.

His lips move to form silent words as the men line up, and he scoffs and throws himself against the back of the couch as the announcer shouts something about an interception.

"Have you always been interested in watching grown men rub against one another?" I tease.

The glare Caleb shoots me is frosty. He doesn't like when I tease him for his borderline obsession. It's a shame I love to do it so much. It's too easy to get him all riled up.

I lift my hands in a gesture of peace before returning to my phone. I found a new book yesterday and can't seem to put it down. It's some dark romance about a woman who's purchased by three demons, and I'm going to scream if they don't have sex soon.

I'm halfway through book two, for fuck's sake.

"I can smell your arousal, you know?"

I glance over my phone at him. He's not looking at me, but I see the corner of his lip twitch as he slides his hand up my calf. I haven't shaved in a few days, but he hardly seems to care about the stubble.

I could probably stop shaving altogether and he wouldn't care.

The realization makes me pause, and I clear my throat and move my leg away. I can't keep letting myself get pulled into him.

"Keep sniffing, pretty boy, because that's all you're getting."

I need to keep my wits about me tonight.

"You're lucky I'm not an insecure male," Caleb teases, turning and climbing over me. "Wolves are territorial. Most would be quite upset if their mate were aroused thinking about another man."

I crack a smile, but it doesn't feel earnest.

This book is only to distract me. If I'm not throwing myself into a fantasy world, I'm thinking about Caleb. If I'm thinking about Caleb, I'm thinking about the knife I hid underneath my pillow earlier today.

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