Chapter 14

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"Can I help you, Ev?" Caleb laughs.

I shrug, not at all embarrassed about having been caught staring. It's near impossible not to when he's pouting at his computer like a frustrated young child.

"What're you working on?" I ask, always prying.

As much as I hate myself for it, I'm starting to care less and less about my mission. I know it makes me a complete disgrace to the human race, but when Caleb's curling his body around mine at night or going so far out of his way to be polite to every damn person he interacts with, it's hard to imagine him as the evil man HPAW is so adamant about making him out to be.

"Two northern packs are fighting, and I've gotten a formal request from a neighboring Alpha to look into it," he says, directing his attention back to his screen. "The two are starting to infringe on his land, and if it continues, he's threatening to take action."

I lick my lips to hide my shock. Is Caleb actually telling me about his work?

Whenever I've asked in the past, he's usually just brushed my question aside with the claim that he doesn't want to bore me. Naturally, I still like to ask, but I've grown to believe I'll never actually receive an answer.

"Are you going to intervene?" I pry.

Caleb nods and furrows his brows in a way that has no business being as cute as it is.

"I think so. Two packs arguing over land isn't incredibly uncommon, but it becomes a problem when that number grows. I've had some issues with these Alphas before, so it'll do me good to pay them a visit and remind them who they bow to," he breathes.

I resist the urge to snort. I know the wolves see Caleb as their leader and bow religiously to him, but I see Caleb, I see a corny man who insists I wear six layers of socks and constantly worries about my injured bones.

"Are you laughing at me, Evelyn?" Caleb grins, standing from his chair.

I feign innocence as he stalks toward me, his eyes darkening as he kneels on the couch I'm lounging on and collects my wrists in his hand. He brings them together and lifts them above my head, forcing me to submit in the way I've learned is his favorite.

His other hand lands on my hip, and I let out a shocked gasp as he abruptly flips me onto my stomach.

My hair flies all around, some of it getting in my mouth, but Caleb quickly pulls it away for me and bundles it at the base of my neck. I don't think I'll ever get used to how fast he's able to move. I know the wolves have better reflexes than humans, but Caleb's are more than I anticipated.

I find that my eyes can't even follow him when he's not actively slowing himself down, and it's not a rare occurrence that I find myself in a new position before even realizing he's moving me.

It's hotter than I'd care for it to be.

"Do you want to know how wolves love to fuck?" Caleb asks, his breath tickling my ear.

He grabs my waist and lifts it in the air, forcing me onto my hands and knees. He's pressing against me from behind a second later, his hard length easily felt through both our jeans. I arch my back, taking a guess at how he wants to take me and more than eager to experience it.

Caleb's always speaking about how he wants to fuck, and I know he's been holding back because of my ribs, but I think last night was a good realization for him. I'm not as fragile as he fears.

I moan and press against him, but I drop down to my belly when somebody knocks on the office door. What awful timing. Caleb kisses my cheek, chuckling at my impatience, before standing and calling for the visitor to come in.

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