Chapter 13

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Caleb drops me on his bed with a laugh, and I can't help but respond with one of my own as I bounce on the mattress and prop myself up on my elbows. Caleb is my favorite when he's in one of his playful moods.

He stands on the edge of the bed, his knees just barely grazing the sheets as he grabs my ankles and pulls me toward him. I fall back as I'm moved, but I quickly prop myself up on my elbows once more.

"My mate," he says, grabbing the tip of my sock and pulling it off. "I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've imagined this."

I can feel my face flushing, and I hope it isn't too apparent as he lowers my now bare foot and reaches for my other ankle. He holds eye contact as he removes my second sock and sets my foot back on the mattress.

The man barely gave me time to take off my boots before throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me upstairs, and I'm sure I look like a fool lying here in a thick winter coat, snow pants, and bare feet.

Caleb still looks at me like I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, though, traffic cone coat and all, and he places his hands on either side of my hip as he leans in and connects his lips with mine.

His kiss is soft, and I barely have time to enjoy it before my hat is tugged off my head and my coat is being unzipped.

My breath is embarrassingly deep as Caleb pulls back and nudges it down my shoulders. The shirt I wear underneath is thin, and he wastes no time yanking that off, too. I'm glad I chose to wear a cute bra today, and I hold in a smile as I watch his eyes travel over the light blue lace.

He told me this was his favorite color, the man not at all subtle as he followed it up by reaching into my underwear drawer and pulling this exact bra out. He held it up, making sure I knew exactly what one he was talking about, before putting it away and leaving for work.

The interaction was much cuter than it had any business being.

Caleb takes his time looking me over, and while I absolutely love it, the snow pants are getting a bit hot and I'm forced to take matters into my own hands as I reach down and begin unzipping them.

"No," Caleb breathes, grabbing my wrists.

He moves fast, and I'm barely able to comprehend what's happening as he pins them above my head. The position is similar to the one he put me in in the shower, and I realize with a grin that this must be a favorite of his.

He's lucky I like it too.

"I'm hot," I complain.

Caleb rolls his eyes and releases my wrists, but I keep them in place as he takes over removing my pants for me.

"You're always rushing me," he laughs.

I shrug, knowing he likes it. He's admitted before that he enjoys how outspoken I am, especially when it comes to the way I interact with him. He doesn't have to worry about me going along with something just because I'm scared of saying no to him, and he knows when I say I like something, I genuinely mean it.

Caleb brings his lips to my belly as he hooks his fingers into my snow pants and tugs them down my legs. I lift my hips to make it easier, relieved when the thick bottoms are finally removed. He then grabs my jeans and repeats the process, leaving me in only my matching blue underwear.

Today was a good day to wear the set.

I clench my jaw as he slides his lips across my lower belly, the tingling from our connection spreading to my sex. I want to grab his head and push his face down, but I have a feeling he wouldn't take well to that.

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