Chapter 9

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Caleb does a poor job pretending he's not worried, the man insisting all is well while also standing two feet beyond the shower door.

I could tell the wolf was disappointed when he took me to the doctors and they removed the cast from my arm. We both know this means the end of our nightly baths.

Not that they're even fun anymore. Caleb is much too clinical after his one slip up.

It's been four excruciatingly long weeks of abstinence, and even our daily trips to his office have been uneventful. Caleb leaves the room every time he has a meeting, usually spewing some dumb excuse about not wanting to bother me, and I'm nowhere closer to getting his damn computer password.

He's rushing around his desk to hand me his computer and type in the password whenever I ask to use it. I can't snoop while he's in the room, and I need to know the password so I can look while he's gone.

At least I've grown quite skilled at online games.

HPAW would be disappointed if they knew I spent my days playing instead of seeking out information, but there's only so much I can do without looking suspicious. The questions I have don't come up naturally in conversation, and fabricating situations so I can ask them is harder than I initially thought.

Caleb's rigid in his routine and is too careful to slip up.

The only helpful thing I've been able to learn is the pack hierarchy. The hundred or so wolves in this pack are all pretty high up, and I've met the few people in Caleb's immediate circle.

His sister Sash is clearly his number one, and her mate Cole is Caleb's right-hand man. The wolf is constantly popping into Caleb's office to give him high-level updates, and I have a feeling the man is in all the same meetings as Caleb.

Sash seems to be in the know as well, but she's been a bit distant after our initial introduction. She apologized profusely for bringing Grace here and promised she never intended to dishonor me, but other than that, she's made herself scarce.

I haven't seen Grace again, and I have a feeling Caleb is to blame for that. It doesn't bother me any, though. If anything, I'm glad she's kept away. I'm not exactly looking forward to being around her.

"Are you feeling okay?" Caleb asks, approaching the clear shower door. "You're not dizzy or anything?"

He peers in on me, the man no longer shy about his staring after bathing me every night for the past month. I'm pleased he doesn't seem bored with it, his mouth always gaping and his eyes wide.

I like the attention, but I wish I had an opportunity to do the same. Caleb hasn't shown me himself after the initial bath incident, and the only looks I'm able to sneak are when he's changing in his closet.

Sometimes when I lay awake at night I think I hear him pleasuring himself, a few low moans making their way to my ears, but it's so quiet it's hard to tell. I hope he is.

Caleb taps on the door when I don't answer, his nose practically pressed against it.

"I'm fine," I laugh.

It's hard not to tease him when it makes it so easy.

My laughter grows as I spot him frowning through the glass, his face blurred but still pretty clear. I trail my gaze down his body and pull open the shower door before I change my mind.

"Would you like to join me?" I ask.

Caleb's throat bobs as he gulps. I know he's affected by me, and even though my ribs and lung aren't entirely healed, they're pretty close. He's not going to get yelled at like he did the first time.

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