Chapter 3

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Caleb's fingers squeeze around my own as the doctor scans my charts, double-checking that everything looks okay. I don't like how it makes my pulse race, and I hate how the heart monitor reflects it even more. It's practically blasting my inner emotions to the entire room, screaming that the man to my left affects me.

At least the medication they gave me is working, allowing my thoughts to finally stray from the pain.

I watch Caleb's eyes dart to the heart monitor, his lips twitching before he runs his thumb along the back of my hand, right over my mark. It only makes the pounding worse, which seems to be his goal as his lips curl into a full grin.

It takes everything in me not to yank my hand out of his, disgusted with myself for how much I'm enjoying the touch.

Hopefully I won't have to endure it for too long. He's softer than I thought he'd be, his Alpha title making him seem much more intimidating than he truly is, and I'm hoping that means I'll be able to get all the information I need sooner rather than later.


This guy's got the personality of a man who leaves his office unlocked, leaving it open for anybody to sneak in and steal information. This just might be too easy, the man robbing me of the challenge I've spent years stressing over.

"You need a check-up every week for the next month or so. It's important your lung is monitored," the doctor says.

Caleb nods, not so much as glancing at the man as he confirms he'll bring me in early next week. Turns out my hunch was correct, and one of my broken ribs did puncture a lung. They ran several tests and decided that the hole is small enough that it should heal on its own, which is nice.

I'd rather not have surgery if I can avoid it.

"Are you ready to go?" Caleb asks, removing the sensor from my finger.

I gulp, glancing at the doctor before shifting my attention back to him.

"I want to go home," I say.

A look of pain spreads over Caleb's face, which I expect. I already know he's not going to let me go back to what he believes is my normal life, but it would be odd for me not to ask about it.

Caleb works his jaw side to side as he thinks through a response, the man clearly never having anticipated finding a mate who would want to leave him immediately. He probably thought his female would fall to her knees and beg for his affection, the male wolves incredibly cocky.

We've never been able to capture a female yet, but I assume they are just the same.

"You're my mate, Evelyn. Your place is with me, by my side," he urges, gently pulling the blanket off my legs. "I know it's a lot to take in, but I'll be here to make the change as easy as possible."

I don't respond, not wanting to fight too hard and make him change his mind. He seems like a pushover, and I don't know what I'd do if I accidentally got him to agree to let me go. It'd ruin the entire damn thing.

"We'll go as slow as you need," he continues, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

My lips purse, and I give in with what I hope looks like a timid nod.

The doctor gives some instructions before we leave, all of which I've heard before. This isn't my first time with broken bones, but I stare at him with wide eyes and pretend to be soaking in every word he says.

He's well educated, the wolves having made good use of the hospitals the humans left behind. They even seem to have their own pharmaceuticals, the stuff they gave me for pain even better than what I've been given before.

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