Chapter 90

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The minute Cole carries Chunks into the house, I know Caleb will be all over the little man. He always is, and I immediately turn to watch my mate's reaction. He hasn't brought up wanting to keep Chunks again, but he's hopeless to hide his enthusiastic responses to the baby.

Caleb perks up the moment he notices the Chunks, and his arms tense where they're wrapped around my midsection.

He loves when Sash stops by with Chunks, but he especially loves when Cole brings him in for work. Sash is only ever here for a few minutes, an hour at most, but Cole typically spends most of his day here. He brings a playmat and a few soft toys, and Chunks hangs out happily for hours.

"Morning," I say, greeting Cole as he adjusts the baby strapped to his chest.

Chunks squeals and kicks his feet, and I give him a big smile and wave before returning to work.

I thought putting together packets about the wolves who matched with a human would be an excellent way to soft introduce them, but I didn't expect the wolves to send me so much information. Two even took it upon themselves to include their elementary school report cards, which, while adorable, isn't really necessary.

Still, I'm including everything they sent—even the things that seem useless.

For all I know, the humans will love it. I'd have loved to receive a packet full of Caleb's achievements, so maybe they'll feel the same way. I would've thought it was cute, even when I was still loyal to HPAW.

Caleb gently taps my hip, a silent request I knew wouldn't take long to come. He's eager to play with Chunks, and I stand so he can slide out from underneath me and help Cole lay out the playmat. Poor Cole looks slightly discombobulated as Caleb frets around him, but Chunks seems to love it.

Chunks seems to love everything Caleb does, and I wonder if the baby can sense that my mate is obsessed with him.

"You can leave this here so you don't have to set it up every time you come over," Caleb says, smoothing out the wrinkles on the mat.

Cole's lips twitch, and I can tell he's trying not to laugh at Caleb.

"Noted," he chuckles.

I place a hand over my mouth, struggling to hold back a smile as I watch Caleb sit on the edge of the mat and wait for Cole to set Chunks down. I'm surprised Caleb doesn't take it upon himself to untangle Chunks from the carrier himself, but it seems he does have some semblance of personal space left.

"Can you pull up the interview?" Caleb asks, turning to Adam.

I struggle not to stare at Adam as he wordlessly connects his computer to the room's TV and pulls up the interview station. He's been unusually quiet since we visited the humans, which I assume is because of Bells.

He probably only came with me hoping to spend time with her, and I'm sure it was hurtful when she ran away. Caleb admitted privately that she moved into one of the apartments only two days after the humans were brought to the pack, but Adam specifically requested it be kept quiet.

I don't blame him, and I've been trying my best not to pity him. I know he wouldn't like it.

The TV lights up as Adam's computer connects, showcasing a human interviewer's smiling face. He looks like he's in an office, but there's clearly a green screen behind him.

I lean back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest as the interviewer's face shrinks and a second window pops up on the right of his. A moment later, the new window reveals a man's grave face.


He's one of the humans we rescued that worked for HPAW, and I faintly recall him speaking up during my visit there the other day. He's wearing a long sleeve shirt that covers his tattoos, and behind him is the couch from the common room. I'm sure all the other humans are standing behind the camera watching, probably in shock Caleb is allowing this to happen.

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