Chapter 44

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Adam stands at my door with a shit-eating grin, and I roll my eyes before stepping aside to make room for him to come in.

"Stop tattling on me," I say, still annoyed about him telling Caleb I was listening to music the other day.

The volume wasn't even that loud, and I know I turned it off at a reasonable time. You'd think being around children all day would have taught Adam how annoying tattling is, but I suppose it's not exactly a secret that he's no better than a child.

No wonder his student like him so much. They probably see him as one of them.

Adam's smile grows as he welcomes himself inside my apartment.

He's taken it upon himself to visit me every few days, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it just yet. We've established an odd frenemy relationship, and recently he's been coming over almost every day to eat my foot and complain about the other teachers at his school.

It's more enjoyable than I'd care to admit.

"I wouldn't need to tattle on you if you behaved respectfully," Adam argues.

I shut my door as he kicks off his slippers and walks into my kitchen. I made a batch of cookies yesterday night, and he beelines it straight for them. I have half a mind to tell him he can't eat them, but I remain silent as he rips off the container's lid and grabs three.

I made more than I'll realistically end up eating, and I'd hate for them to go to waste.

"It's no wonder this apartment was available on such short notice. You're a horrible neighbor, and I'm sure the landlord was glad to finally have somebody agree to live near you," I say.

Adam shakes his head and shoves a cookie into his mouth.

"This apartment wasn't empty. Alpha Caleb offered the previous tenants an excessive amount of money to break their lease and move out. This building has a great security system and is in one of the most walkable neighborhoods. Everybody wants to live here," Adam explains, clearly enjoying my look of complete shock. "Alpha Caleb tried to pay me to move, too, so he could tear down our connecting wall and turn the entire floor into one unit, but I told him fuck no.

"I've been living here for almost six years, and it'll be a cold day in hell before I move out. My furniture perfectly matches the space, and I got locked in at pretty cheap rent." Adam stands and moves to my fridge to pour himself a glass of milk. "Although, if I knew how annoying my new neighbor was going to be, I might have taken him up on the offer."

I'm too shocked to feel offended by his sly dig. Caleb bought the old tenants out and tried to do the same with Adam? My apartment is already large enough, and I'm shocked Caleb went through so much effort.

He could barely even look me in the eye when he moved me out of his house and into here.

I take a seat, my legs suddenly weak.

God, I'm a fucking idiot.

"Are you and Alpha Caleb fighting again?" Adam asks, changing the subject.


My mind is still reeling over everything he just told me, and I shake my head as I prepare myself for this sudden shift in conversation.

Adam sits back down and takes a long sip of his drink. I've never been a massive fan of milk, but Adam drinks so much I've been needing to buy whole gallons instead of the half ones I usually get. Soon I'm going to start making him bring over his own.

Now that I'm using my own money, I don't have the extra funds to support his milk addiction. I doubt Caleb would mind if I used his card every once in a while; I know he wouldn't care, but I don't want to.

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