Chapter 46

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I'm hardly surprised when my apartment door opens and Adam steps inside. He's holding a bag of chips, and I set the book I'm reading on the coffee table before reaching for the TV remote. I've got it displaying a fireplace, but I'm sure Adam will want to put something else on.

He seems to think we're better friends than we are.

Adam makes his way to my couch and plops down next to me, his attention quickly captured by the TV. He watches as I put on some random show, loudly crinkling his chips as I return to my reading.

I thought he always came over to annoy me, but now I realize he's lonely. He's in his late twenties, and that's a long time to be alone. Most wolves find their mates when they're young, and I'm sure it's disheartening to be his age and still waiting.

Was Caleb this lonely?

He and Adam are the same age, and knowing how affectionate Caleb is, I'm sure it was hard for him to be alone for so long. He must have been relieved when he found me.

Adam and I sit next to one another in comfortable silence, and I pretend not to notice the chip crumbs he's leaving all over my couch.

Eventually, he leans forward and snatches my books off the coffee table.

I peer at him over the top of my current book, cautions as I watch his eyes dart over the words. His lips twitch, and I huff as I see the telltale signs of his laughter. It's not that funny, and I don't think that what I'm reading is any of his business.

I should have put the books away when he came over.

"I hope my mate doesn't take this much of an interest in porn," he says.

I scoff.

"It's not porn. It's romance," I defend. "And there's nothing wrong with wanting to read these books."

Adam shrugs, conceding, but I can tell he disagrees. He's never tried to hide his judgment of my reading choice. Male wolves are unnecessarily territorial, and I'm glad Caleb isn't like that.

He knows what kinds of books I read, and he doesn't care.

Adam continues to flip through the pages of my books, and I watch him for a second longer before leaning forward and snatching them from his hands. What I read is nobody's business but my own. He's too fucking nosy.

A knock on my front door captures my attention, and Adam sets his bag of chips on the coffee table before making his way to the door. I shoot him a frosty glare as he pulls it open, still annoyed over his teasing.

I'm getting sick and tired of his attitude.

"Alpha," Adam croaks, stepping to the side.

Caleb raises a brow and glances between Adam and me.

Adam looks nervous as he scratches the back of his neck, and after a tense second, he clears his throat and sneaks past Caleb. I hear his apartment door slamming shut a second later.

Caleb's still wearing his work clothes, and I eye his dress pants and thick sweater with a pleased hum. His thighs look strong, and the muscles flex as he steps into my entryway and shuts my door. He pushes the sleeves of his sweater up his forearms, and my gaze lingers on his mark.

"You've frightened Adam," I say.

Caleb hardly looks apologetic as he shrugs and walks into my living room. I want to ask why he's here, but I don't want to sound like I want him to leave.

He eyes the books in my arms, and I turn and shove them underneath my coffee table. I've had enough teasing for one day.

"It frustrates me that this place always smells of him," Caleb admits, moving to my window.

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