Chapter 35

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Greg. Greg. Greg.

I chant the name to myself as I turn off my car and rush through the hospital parking lot. The doctor's name is Greg.

It took hours of desperate searching before I found it on some paperwork he gave me the first time Caleb brought me in. I feel horrible for not remembering it, but I'm glad I figured it out and don't have to ask.

I've met him too many times for it not to be awkward. Especially considering he knows my name.

The sun is setting, and I lift my hand to shield my eyes from the glare as I push open the hospital doors and step inside. This place is starting to feel like my second home.

The lobby is warm and empty, and I glance around the room as I tug off my gloves and hat. A large sitting area is to the right, complete with a coffee table full of old magazines, and to the left is the reception desk.

Directly across from the entrance are two wide double doors leading to all the rooms.

I shove my things in my coat pockets and head toward the reception desk. Nobody is behind it, and I lean against the counter while waiting. I don't mind it, and I take advantage of being alone as I scan every inch of the room.

Caleb is usually here with me, and he's so distracting I hardly notice anything but him.

Does he know Greg offered me a job? The two aren't exactly friends, but they seem to get along just fine. They both enjoy nagging me when I'm injured, and Caleb doesn't get angry when the doctor takes it upon himself to scold Caleb for being too rough with me.

Quiet music plays from the speakers installed in the room's ceiling, and I tap my finger against the desk as I wait for somebody to show up. My anxiety is at an all-time high today, and this waiting only worsens it.

What feels like hours pass before somebody emerges from the back area.

It's the woman that's usually here, Michelle, and I'm grateful when she doesn't look at me with the same contempt everybody else does. Besides the two nurses who spoke openly about Caleb in front of me, most people who work in the hospital are friendly.

I like to think it's because I've been here so many times and they know me pretty well, but objectively, I understand it's probably because Caleb is often bringing me here. Most of the wolves probably think we haven't been around one another since I attacked Caleb and my relationship with HPAW was revealed, but the hospital staff knows the truth.

They see him bringing me here and probably overheard us having sex the other day.

"You here for a checkup?" Michelle asks, sitting at her desk.

She taps on her keyboard to light up the computer screen, and I shake my head before glancing at the double doors to the right of reception. They are still swinging from her entrance, and the hallway behind it is empty.

"Is Greg here? He told me about an open night shift janitor position and said I should stop by tonight to learn more," I say.

Michelle clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

"Ah, I believe he did mention that. Why don't you take a seat over there," she points to an empty chair along the far wall, "and I'll go get him."

I do a poor job hiding my relief as I thank her and maneuver around the coffee table to sit down. After yesterday, I was scared I'd get here and be told the position was filled or, even worse, they would lie and say there wasn't one in the first place.

Michelle makes her way back through the double doors she just came in from, and I listen to the quiet tapping of her shoes as she disappears. The doors swing a few times before shutting for good and cutting off my view, and I nervously begin to pick at my fingers while I wait.

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