Chapter 81

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Caleb's already in the safe house when Cole and I arrive. He's showered, shaved, and dressed, and I hope I'm sly in the way I scan him for any signs of injuries.

Cole found it entertaining to tell me all about how wolves love to fight and wrestle in their wolf forms, and he especially found pleasure in informing me that they also like to gang up and attack who they perceive to be the strongest among them.

He called it a fun game, but I don't see the humor in it. Caleb's larger than all the other wolves he traveled with, but they were all Alphas. I'm worried they've hurt him.

Cole's chatting quickly turned me into a nervous wreck, especially considering how injured Caleb was just a few days ago. Caleb's promised me countless times that he's all healed and I have nothing to worry about, but that's easier said than done.

I'm a worrier. I can't help it.

"How was the drive?" Caleb asks, pulling me into his arms the moment I step into the house.

It's smaller than the one we just left, but the one-story brick building is set back into the woods and surrounded by trees, making it harder to see from the sky. Our old home had a pretty sizable yard immediately surrounding the house, a feature I'm sure Caleb was excited to have when he learned I was a human.

"It was fine," I say, pulling out of Caleb's arms so I can look around the interior.

This place has a rustic feel, but it's cozy. The front door opens immediately to the living room, and the kitchen and dining room are all one open space. There's a hallway connected to the dining room that I'm sure leads to bedrooms and bathrooms, and I scan over them before turning back to the living area.

A long conference table has been set in the center of the room, complete with office chairs and giant monitors. Adam and Sash sit there, along with Maverick.

I'm surprised to see the Alpha here. I assumed he'd remain in his pack after coordinating the necessary medical care Everett's and King's warriors would be taking with them. He must have returned immediately after finishing.

Sash and Adam sit next to one another at the far end of the table, both tapping away on their respective computers. Adam's wearing his usual lounge outfit, which is unsurprising, but I'm shocked to see Sash's similar clothing.

She's usually quite put together, but her hair's been thrown into a high bun and her lounge clothing is all rumpled. How long has she been here?

Too long, by the looks of it.

None of them pay me any attention, and I scan over the room once more before glancing at the large TV mounted on the wall. It's lit up, and covering the screen is a map of the routes Everett and King intend to take to reach the HPAW facilities.

It's not precisely the living room setup I'm accustomed to, but it's more practical. Our old dining room was too small to fit all the people we had coming in and out, but this living room is about the size of one of the conference rooms at Caleb's office building.

"Everett and King have reached out to let us know their men are en-route," Caleb explains, pulling me toward the head of the table.

Cole hurries through the house with our bags, and Maverick finally looks up to make brief eye contact with me before dipping his chin and rising from his chair. I forget how huge he is until he's standing directly in front of me, his covered bicep easily the size of my head, and I hold my breath as I wait to see what he's going to do.

Caleb mindlessly runs a hand down my back before leaning to the side to tap at his computer, and a quick glance in that direction confirms my suspicion that his computer's being reflected on the TV screen.

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