Chapter 94

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I wake up to Caleb gently brushing my hair out of my face. My skin tingles where his fingers make contact, and I instinctively turn in his direction looking for more. He's usually already awake and out of bed by the time I get up in the mornings, and I love the occasions when he's still here.

"Ev?" Caleb whispers.

I groan, fighting sleep, before prying open my eyes. Caleb usually goes out of his way not to wake me up when he gets out of bed in the morning, and he tiptoes around the bedroom collecting his clothes before disappearing into the hallway bathroom to get dressed.

That means he's waking me for a reason.

"Baby..." Caleb continues.

I lick my lips and mindlessly pick off the crusty bits that have accumulated in the corners of my eyes while sleeping. Caleb always wakes up looking like a model, and I hate when he sees me in grumpy morning gremlin mode.

"Yes?" I ask.

Caleb hovers over me, already dressed. What time is it?

I set my alarm for 8:30 AM, so it's got to be sometime before then.

"The human government has requested an urgent phone call with me," he says. I sit up, already intrigued. "I think they're going to provide an update on HPAW, and I was wondering if you'd like to listen in."

I'm shoving Caleb to the side and climbing out of bed before he's even finished his sentence. Of course I want to listen in.

My movements are less than graceful as I make my way to our closet and begin ripping off my pajamas.

Caleb sits on the edge of the bed and watches me dress, his gaze borderline predatory. He knows Greg gave me a pack of birth control pills after our house tours the other day, and I have a feeling he's counting down the days until we can have sex.

Greg said to wait a week, and I'm taking that to heart.

The thought of getting pregnant is horrifying, especially when we've decided to take in Chunks. One baby is exciting, but two is more than I'm willing to sign up for.

"What time is the meeting?" I ask, peering at Caleb as I slide a pair of pants up my legs.

He glances at his watch before answering. "In about forty-five minutes."

I hurry to finish dressing before stepping out of the closet, and Caleb hurries to open the bedroom door for me. There's faint chatter from the main room, but that's nothing new. Caleb likes to start work early, and the wolves he regularly meets with do the same.

They're always here by the time I wake up.

"Morning," I say, stepping into the main room.

It's already full of wolves, and King and Maverick enter as I look around. Everett's made himself scarce since returning from the HPAW facility, not that I'm complaining. He was never particularly friendly, and I don't like how he spoke to Caleb.

Sash and Cole stand against the far wall near the TV, and Adam sits at the center table rifling through a bag of chips.

Adam looks up, probably sensing my gaze.

"Hey," I greet him.

He grunts, a typical moody response for him nowadays, and Sash turns to shoot me a wide smile. Cole's too busy messing with the TV settings to greet me, and I watch him fiddle with the display for a few moments before searching for Chunks.

If both Sash and Cole are here, he must be, too.

They've agreed to continue watching him until Caleb and I have found a house and I've gotten a better handle on my role as the female Alpha. Thankfully Sash is eager to keep a lot of the work she's been doing these past few years, so my job isn't nearly as daunting as I initially anticipated.

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