Chapter 5

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I'm sure my face is a thousand shades of red as I hand Caleb my empty bowl. The soup is exactly what I needed, and that coupled with the pain medication has me feeling a thousand times better.

The doctors at the hospital tried to give me food, but I couldn't get much down because of the pain and stress. Being alone with Caleb made it easier, much to my disappointment. I wish he didn't impact me so much.

"Let's get you cleaned up," he says, collecting all the food and clamoring off the bed.

My cheeks warm even more. I'm typically pretty comfortable with nudity, but knowing that Caleb is going to help undress me has my heart pounding. I'd offer to do it myself if I thought I could, but he and I both know I'm incapable.

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip as Caleb carefully lifts me into his arms and carries me into his bathroom. It's beautiful in here, everything crisp. There's a large bath in front of an even larger floor-to-ceiling window, and I hold my breath as Caleb brings me to it and turns on the faucet.

"We could do a shower, but I think a bath will be easier," he explains, refusing to set me down as he walks around the room grabbing everything he needs.

His foot nudges against the walk-in shower until the door is open enough that he can reach in and grab soaps, and despite my better intentions, I laugh as he stacks them up on my belly. He's careful not to put any weight on my ribs, and grins at the happy noise I let out.

I don't even know why I'm laughing. It's not funny. He's not funny.

My mouth runs dry as he tests the water temperature and sets me on my feet. I grab his shoulders to stabilize myself, a bit dizzy, and look away as he reaches for the hem of my dress. His fingers toy with the fabric before dropping it.

"Are you okay with this? I can find a female to come clean you if you'd prefer," he suggests, seeming to realize for the first time how his actions might be taken by me.

I know he's not doing this in any sexual way, and something deep inside me trusts him completely, but he doesn't know that. He's trying so hard to make sure I'm comfortable.

"It's fine," I say, knowing I need to be cleaned.

I'd rather it be by him than some random wolf I don't know.

Caleb nods, accepting my answer, before carefully peeling my dress over my head. His eyes remain locked on mine the whole time, never straying as he lowers himself to my knees and tugs off the socks the doctors at the hospital stuck on my feet.

They cleaned most of the blood and dirt off me so it's not as if I'm horribly dirty, but I still feel nervous standing naked in front of him like this.

I stare Caleb in the eye as he rises and helps me into the tub, his arm wrapped tightly around my shoulders to prevent me from slipping and falling.

He uses both hands to help lower me into the tub, his lips twitching at the involuntary sigh I release as the warm water soothes my muscles. HPAW doesn't have baths, and I can count on one hand the number of times I've been in one.

Caleb lets me rest for a few minutes, occasionally scooping water into his hands and pouring it over my exposed shoulders. The water is clear, and I know he can see everything, but he still doesn't look.

"It feels nice."

I'm the first to speak up, the silence killing me.

"I'm happy to hear that," Caleb smiles, glancing at the soap by his knees. "Let's get you cleaned up and in bed. You should rest," he decides, grabbing a washcloth and lathering it up.

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