Chapter 2

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Cole bows his head as a loud howl emerges from deep within the woods, the noise making me gasp. I've heard audio recordings of it, but it's nothing compared to the real-life sound. It's admittedly terrifying, and I instinctively curl into myself as the sound of stomping feet makes its way to my ears.

Despite my training, I feel nothing short of complete panic, terrified of what's going to happen when the wolves reach me. HPAW seems to believe the Alpha will honor and respect the mate bond, but most wolves aren't paired with a human.

He could take one look at me and tear out my throat for all I know.

My pulse races as the noises grow louder, the fear making me sweat. I've been waiting for this day my entire life, and now that it's here, I can't help but feel entirely unprepared. I never wanted this for myself, and I don't want a mate.

Let alone the Alpha.

I curl my fingers into fists as they enter my line of sight, my eyes immediately landing on him. He's in the front, larger and faster than the wolves who follow behind him, but that's not what gives it away.

It's the unmistakable pull in my gut, the intense urge to literally crawl in his direction. I fight with myself not to react, the pain in my chest too great to risk movement.

Bile rises into my throat as he shifts into his skin form mid-run, a deep-rooted feeling of need spreading through my bones as he drops to his knees beside me. He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen. He has the typical brown hair and eyes, those traits a constant among the wolves, but on him, they are perfect.

I want to touch him, and find myself holding my breath as his fingertips graze my cheek.

Sparks tingle my skin wherever he meet, and I lean into him before thinking better of it and moving away. He doesn't seem to mind, though, and follows my head to keep us connected. His mouth moves, but no sound emerges for a long moment.

"Where are you hurt?"

Fuck. They warned me the bond would pull us together, but wanting to have sex with a voice is new. The pitch is similar to human males but has a rough edge that I find much more enticing than I should.

The Alpha slides his gaze down my body, scanning for my injuries. I do the same to him, but instead of injuries I look over the expanse of muscle. He's naked from his shift, but doesn't seem to mind my wandering gaze.

My fingers twitch as I fight the urge to grab his thigh and move it out of the way, my need to see his full body concerning. I know the wolves have the same anatomy as us, and there's no good reason for me to be so desperate to see what's lying between his legs.

It takes me a minute to sort my thoughts, my mind a jumbled mess, but once I do I clear my throat and gesture to my torso.

"My ribs are the worst," I choke out.

I'm faintly aware that several wolves surround me, but I pay them no mind. The Alpha is all I can focus on, and I let him grab my wrist and turn it over so he can see the extent of my broken arm. The other wolves get to work checking my ribs, cutting the side of my dress so they can directly access my skin.

They must be pack doctors, and whisper to one another as they poke and prod at me.

I don't pay much attention, already knowing exactly what's wrong, but I can tell the Alpha is listening to every word by the way he cocks his head to the side and furrows his brows.

He hasn't made any moves to look at the mark on my hand, but a quick glance confirms that he has an identical one. His is pale, and I reach out and touch it in confusion. I thought ours would have matching colors.

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