Chapter 39

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Caleb's gone when I wake up, but I can tell he recently moved. I'm doused in sweat, and the spot next to me is still impossibly warm.

I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling. That was by far the best sleep I've gotten in weeks, and I stretch my arms above my head before turning toward the bathroom. The door is closed, but I hear running water from behind it.

I have a feeling sneaking out while he's in the bathroom isn't the right move, but I doubt either of us wants to deal with an awkward morning after conversation. We didn't have sex, but the way he held me felt even more intimate.

What now?

I don't want to overstay my welcome, and I'm sure Caleb would never dare tell me he wants me to leave. He's much too polite for that.

If he were a human, he'd be horrible at one-night stands.

The water shuts off, and I climb out of bed and fix the sheets while he dresses. I want to discuss what he said last night, and I linger as I wait for him to leave the bathroom.

"Good morning," Caleb says, pushing open the bedroom door.

He looks good.

He's dressed for work, and the bone-deep exhaustion he wore yesterday has all but vanished. I fight back a smile as I eye him. He's feeling better because he spent the night with me.

That realization makes me feel better than it has any business doing.

"Thank you for last night," I say.

I figure pretending it didn't happen isn't the right course of action, especially when I'm currently in the middle of making the bed we shared. My cheeks warm as I recall how tightly he held me.

I bet I smell like him right now.

Caleb's lips twitch, and I catch him flexing his marked hand before smoothly moving it behind his back.

"Why are you hiding your mark from me?" I ask.

I'm fully aware I'm a bit overly sensitive about them, but knowing that does little to stop the nervous anxiety coursing through my veins. Has his mark darkened any further? Has mine?

Caleb clears his throat as I bring my hand in front of me and inspect my mark. My breath hitches as I realize it's a shade lighter than it was yesterday. The change is subtle, and if it weren't for me staring at it for what feels like hours every day, I'd probably never notice.

"Has yours lightened as well?" I can't help but ask.

"About the same as yours," he admits.

It seems our bond liked us sleeping in the same bed last night. Or maybe it liked that I took the initiative to come here uninvited and crawl into Caleb's bed. Either way, something we did made it happy.

"Did you mean what you said about being scared to claim me because of HPAW?" I ask.

I need to know. It's one thing if Caleb is avoiding addressing things because he's leaving options open, and it's another if he's doing it because he somehow thinks it's protecting me. Neither makes me happy, but the second is arguably better.

The second I can understand.

Caleb purses his lips and glances at the wall behind my head. I wait, eager to hear what he has to say, only to deflate when he shakes his head and turns away.

"I shouldn't have said that to you," he says.

"But you did, and I want to know if you meant it," I urge.

I can practically see Caleb shutting down in front of my very eyes. He continues avoiding eye contact, and the muscle in his jaw moves as he grids his teeth together. I'd kill to know what he's thinking right now.

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