Chapter 12

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"I want to take you on a date."

I spin, shocked Caleb entered the kitchen without me noticing. He's always so quiet when he moves, the man surprisingly lithe despite his large size. I suppose that's what makes the wolves so hard to fight.

They're always sneaking up on us.

"Is that so?" I tease.

Caleb grins, his white teeth on full display as he steps forward and further invades my space.

I try to hide my shock as he curls his hands underneath my thighs and lifts me onto the kitchen counter. The action brings me closer to his height, and I can't help but smile as he slides his hands down my calves and urges me to wrap my legs around his waist.

I'd say I'm quite fond of this particular position.

"It's about time I show you off to the pack," he says, leaning in until his lips just barely graze mine. "I've been told I'm hoarding you, and keeping you locked away in my home is impolite."

I arch my back, desperate for more of my body to be on his.

It's been a whole week since my cast was removed, and I'm nowhere closer to getting Caleb inside me. My ribs are almost entirely healed at this point, and even the doctors agree that it's safe for us to engage in physical activity.

Caleb groans as I slide my hands up the front of his shirt, my nails scratching his abs as I inch them toward his chest. I've learned that Caleb likes when I use my nails on him, the man always shivering when I do.

He also seems to like it when I bite him or do anything that leaves a mark.

"A date, Ev," he repeats, grabbing my wrists and pulling my hands away.

I frown, my lips tugging down at the corners.

Caleb laughs at my annoyance, and happiness seems to be infectious as I find myself unable to maintain my frown. He's so dumb.

"Go get ready," Caleb says, setting me back on my feet.

He doesn't need to tell me twice. I give him one more kiss before making my way upstairs, my excitement growing. My mind runs through over a thousand different scenarios of what he has in mind for our date while I get ready.

I've never been on one before, and Caleb seems the type to put a lot of thought into them.

Even if he is avoiding having sex with me, I still like all the quality time we've been spending together. Caleb's so interesting, and I'm enjoying just being around him.

Caleb meets me at the bottom of the steps when I'm finally dressed and ready, his gaze sliding pointedly down my frame in a way that sets me on fire.

I love the way he looks at me.

He holds out his arm for me to take, and I'm more than happy to oblige as I link them together and let him lead me to the car. He refuses to let me drive after the last time, but I don't mind much as I climb in the passenger seat and turn all the air vents on myself.

I also take it upon myself to adjust the music and turn up the volume, two things I know he hates but won't say anything about. He rolls his eyes when I settle on a pop station, but I keep the volume relatively low so it's not too bothersome.

He's got sensitive ears.

At least, that's what he says. I think he doesn't like my music.

"Where are we going?" I ask, peering out my window as I curl my fingers around his hand currently resting on my thigh.

Caleb squeezes my flesh but doesn't answer. I'm not entirely surprised, and I do my best to contain my excitement as he parks in front of an abandoned building and kills the engine.

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